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0.1.8 • Public • Published

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Welcome to Markdown Models (MD-Models), a powerful framework for research data management that prioritizes flexibility and efficiency.

With an adaptable markdown-based schema language, MD-Models automatically generates schemas and programming language representations. This markdown schema forms the foundation for object-oriented models, enabling seamless cross-format compatibility and simplifying modifications to data structures.

Check out the documentation for more information.


The schema syntax uses Markdown to define data models in a clear and structured way. Each object is introduced with a header, followed by its attributes. Attributes are described with their type, a brief explanation, and optional metadata like terms. Nested or related objects are represented using array types or references to other objects.


### Person

- **name**
  - Type: string
  - Description: The name of the person
  - Term: schema:name
- age
  - Type: integer
  - Description: The age of the person
  - Term: schema:age
- addresses
  - Type: Address[]
  - Description: The address of the person

### Address

- street
  - Type: string
  - Description: The street of the address


In order to install the command line tool, you can use the following command:

git clone
cd md-models
cargo install --path .

Command line usage

The command line tool can be used to convert markdown files to various formats. The following command will convert a markdown file to Python code:

md-models convert -i -o -l python-dataclass

This will read the input file and write the output to using the Python dataclass template. Alternatively, you can also pass a URL as input to fetch the model remotely. For an overview of all available templates, you can use the following command:

md-models --help

Available templates

The following templates are available:

  • python-dataclass: Python dataclass implementation with JSON-LD support
  • python-pydantic: PyDantic implementation with JSON-LD support
  • python-pydantic-xml: PyDantic implementation with XML support
  • xml-schema: XML schema definition
  • json-schema: JSON schema definition
  • shacl: SHACL shapes definition
  • shex: ShEx shapes definition

Installation options

The main Rust crate is compiled to Python and WebAssembly, allowing the usage beyond the command line tool. These are the main packages:

  • Core Python Package: Install via pip:

    # Mainly used to access the core functionality of the library
    pip install mdmodels-core
  • Python Package: Install via pip:

    # Provides in-memory data models, database support, LLM support, etc.
    pip install mdmodels
  • NPM Package: Install via npm:

    # Mainly used to access the core functionality of the library
    npm install mdmodels-core


This project uses GitHub Actions for continuous integration. The tests can be run using the following command:

cargo test
cargo clippy

Using pre-commit hooks

This project uses pre-commit to run the rustfmt and clippy commands on every commit. To install the pre-commit hooks, you can use the following command:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Once the pre-commit hooks are installed, they will run on every commit. This will ensure that the code is formatted and linted correctly. And the clippy CI will not complain about warnings.




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  • jr-1991