Twin styles to make quizes rapidly with.
Both styles are in dist folder. To make full use export with this appended in either body or head:
const $ = x => document.querySelectorAll(x);
const $$ = document.body;
const counter = document.createElement('footer')
window.onload = () => {
let s = $$.innerHTML
s = s.replace(new RegExp(`<span class="cm-string">'''`, 'g'), '<input data-ok="');
$$.innerHTML = s.replace(new RegExp(`'''</span>`, 'g'), '">');
for (const el of $('ol>li>ol>li, ol>li>ul>li, ul>li>ol>li, ul>li>ul>li')) {
if (el.firstChild instanceof HTMLQuoteElement) { el.addEventListener('mousedown', green); } else { el.addEventListener('mousedown', red); }
for (const el of $('pre input, pre * input')) {
el.addEventListener('input', check);
const focusable = $('input, ol>li>ol, ol>li>ul, ul>li>ol, ul>li>ul')
for (const el of focusable) {
el.setAttribute('tabindex', '1');
el.addEventListener('keydown', klik)
function green() { this.classList.toggle('green');
count(); }
function red() { this.classList.toggle('red');
count(); }
function check() {
let v = this.value
let k = this.dataset.ok
if (v == '') { this.classList.remove('red');
this.classList.remove('green'); } else if (v == k) { this.classList.remove('red');
this.classList.add('green'); } else { this.classList.add('red');
this.classList.remove('green'); }
function klik() {
let e = $(':focus > li');
let k = event.key;
if (
k == '1' || k == '2' || k == '3' || k == '4' || k == '5' || k == '6' ||
k == 'a' || k == 'b' || k == 'c' || k == 'd' || k == 'e' || k == 'f'
) {
let d = {
'1': 0,
'2': 1,
'3': 2,
'4': 3,
'5': 4,
'6': 5,
'a': 0,
'b': 1,
'c': 2,
'd': 3,
'e': 4,
'f': 5
let v = d[k];
if (v < e.length) {
let el = e[v];
if (el.firstChild instanceof HTMLQuoteElement) { el.classList.toggle('green'); } else { el.classList.toggle('red'); };
function count() {
let x = $('.green').length / ($('.green').length + $('.red').length) * 100
counter.innerHTML = (x) + '%';
if (x < 70) { counter.classList.add('red');
counter.classList.remove('green'); } else { counter.classList.remove('red');
counter.classList.add('green'); }
// function copyToClp(txt){
// if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData) {
// // IE specific code path to prevent textarea being shown while dialog is visible.
// return clipboardData.setData("Text", text);
// } else if (document.queryCommandSupported && document.queryCommandSupported("copy")) {
// var textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
// textarea.textContent = text;
// = "fixed"; // Prevent scrolling to bottom of page in MS Edge.
// document.body.appendChild(textarea);
// try {
// return document.execCommand("copy"); // Security exception may be thrown by some browsers.
// } catch (ex) {
// console.warn("Copy to clipboard failed.", ex);
// return false;
// } finally {
// document.body.removeChild(textarea);
// }
// }
// }
- Make a list of questions.
- In each question make a list of answers.
- Mark correct answers with blockquotes.
Uses Night theme for typora as a base.