This package has been deprecated

Author message:

This package is no longer maintained. Please migrate to cht-couch2pg instead.


3.3.0 • Public • Published


Software for creating read-only replicas of CouchDB data inside PostgreSQL v9.4.

The focus is specifically on CHT application data currently stored in CouchDB. If you are looking to have a read-only replica of CouchDB data for your application, consider couch2pg.

This version is built for medic/cht-core#3.0.0 and above. For replicating data from earlier versions, see the 2.0.x branch and associated tags.

Installation Steps (if applicable)

  1. Clone repository
  2. Run npm ci

Running locally with environment variables

The supported environment variables are:

Variable Description
POSTGRESQL_URL PostgreSQL instance URL, format: postgres://[user]:[password]@localhost:[port]/[database name]
COUCHDB_URL CouchDB instance URL, format: https://[user]:[password]@localhost:[port]/medic
COUCH2PG_SLEEP_MINS Number of minutes between synchronization
COUCH2PG_DOC_LIMIT Number of documents medic-couch2pg fetches from CouchDB everytime
COUCH2PG_RETRY_COUNT Number of times medic-couch2pg will retry synchronizing documents from CouchDB after experiencing an error


export POSTGRESQL_URL=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:15432/postgres
export COUCHDB_URL=https://admin:pass@localhost:5984/medic
export COUCH2PG_DOC_LIMIT=1000

Run it locally with environment variables: npm ci && node .

Running locally in interactive mode (no environment variables needed)

Run it locally in interactive mode: npm ci && node . -i

Running tests through docker-compose

Run tests with:

docker-compose build --build-arg node_version=[node version] test
docker-compose up

Then in another terminal:

docker-compose run test grunt test

Run tests in interactive watch mode with: docker-compose run test npm run watch.

Running tests against local couch and postgres databases

Run tests with: grunt test. Run tests in interactive watch mode with: npm run watch.

Environment variables required for the integration tests to run correctly:

  • TEST_PG_URL: postgres url. ie: postgres://localhost:5432
  • TEST_COUCH_URL: couch url. ie: http://admin:pass@localhost:5984

NB: The integration tests destroy and re-create the given databases each time they are run.

Required database setup

We support PostgreSQL 9.4 and greater. The user passed in the postgres url needs to have full creation rights on the given database.

Example usage

You should probably install medic-couch2pg as a service and leave it to do its thing, as it should be able to run independently without any user input.

Installing as a service using Upstart (Ubuntu 14.4)

To setup a really simple service with upstart, all you need is sudo rights on the server. You want to do something like this:

  • For now, you should still just clone this repo onto your server, check out the relevant tag, and run npm install. In the future this will be better!
  • sudo create a /etc/init/couch2pg-example-client.conf
  • As we are going to put passwords in this file, you want to chown o-r /etc/init/couch2pg-example-client.conf so that only root can read it
  • Edit this file and put something like this in it:
description "Service for running Example Client's couch2pg integration"
author "Your name"
    export POSTGRESQL_URL="..."
    export COUCHDB_URL="..."
    exec nodejs /path/to/the/repo/index
end script
  • The service is then a standard service, e.g. service couch2pg-example-client start

Installing as a service using Systemd (18.04.3 LTS [Bionic Beaver])

To setup couch2pg using systemd is also pretty simple. You will need to have sudo rights to the server and then follow the steps listed below:

  • Install git and clone this repo onto your server, check out the relevant tag git checkout tag_id, and run npm ci.
  • Create a systemd unit file for your project sudo create /etc/systemd/system/couch2pg-sample-client.service
  • As we are going to put passwords in this file, you want to sudo chmod o-r /etc/systemd/system/couch2pg-sample-client.service so that only root can read it.
  • Edit this file and configure the couch2pg system unit. It could be something simillar to this;
Description=Service for running ACME couch2pg integration


ExecStart=/usr/bin/npm run medic-couch2pg --prefix /path/to/medic-couch2pg/index.js

ExecStartPost= add monitoring script command to run after service starts.
ExecStopPost= add monitoring script to run if service stops 
# Required on some systems
# Restart service after 10 seconds if couch2pg service crashes
# Output to syslog

  • Reload systemd settings systemctl daemon-reload
  • Start the service sudo service couch2pg-sample-client start
  • If all goes well the service should start smoothly.
  • You can check the service logs using journalctl like this journalctl -u couch2pg-sample-client --since today

Known issues

Error "Checksum failed for migration ..." when upgrading from 3.2.0 to latest

An SQL migration file was changed in version 3.2.0. This made upgrades from 3.1.x impossible, with the process crashing upon startup after the upgrade. See more details about the error.

This was fixed in version 3.2.1, by reverting the changes made to the migration file. Fresh installations of 3.2.0 should execute this SQL before upgrading:

UPDATE xmlforms_migrations
  SET md5 = 'e0535c9fe3faef6e66a31691deebf1a8'
  WHERE version = '201606200952' AND
        md5 = '40187aa5ee95eda0e154ecefd7512cda';

See more details about the error in #78.

Error installing deps ERR! ... node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build

When installing Node.js dependencies locally or building the docker image, you might get an error like:

npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! node-libcurl@1.3.3 install: `node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build`

It is probably related to a gcc library that is failing with some versions of Node and npm, try with Node 10 without updating the npm version that comes with it.




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