
1.2.4 • Public • Published


A Promise based caching library for node or the browser.

Pass in a cache key, a promise executor and optionally a cache length and get back a cached object.

Medusa supports

  • Memory storage
  • Local / session storage


npm install medusajs


var Medusa = require('medusajs');
function ex() {
  return Medusa.get('sample', function(resolve, reject) {
    console.log('cache miss');
  }, 1000);
ex().then(res => {
ex().then(res => {
ex().then(res => {
/* returns:
cache miss
example */


get = function(key, promise, policy)

The function will lookup and resolve the value for the previously resolved promise, if no entry is in the cache the function will resolve the promise and resolve that.

rejected promises are not cached.

The policy value will set the duration of the cache, if no policy is set the object will be cache until cleared manually.

overwrite = function(key, promise, policy)

The function will resolve the value for the promise and store that result in place of the current object. The original object will be available while the promise resolves.

rejected promises are not cached.

The policy value will set the duration of the cache, if no policy is set the object will be cache until cleared manually.

put = function(key, value, policy)

Bypass the get function and store an object directly into the cache.

clear = function(key, provider)

Clear a cached item, if no key is set all items will be cleared. Returns a promise that will resolve to true if successful, or an array of booleans for each key; if provider is not specified it will clear the default provider only.

You may also clear cache items using a wildcard characters e.g. Medusa.clear('sample*')

settings = function(newSettings)

Send in an updated settings object:

  • debug: will output logging
  • retry: will allow for the concurrency queue to be bypassed after this interval, default: 5000
  • returnMutator: a function to mutate the return value for output (good for using something like lodash.cloneDeep)


Simple Policy

The simplest policy is to simply set a duration, pass in any integer and the object will be cached for that many miliseconds.

Medusa.get('sample', resolver, 1000).then(res => { console.log(res); });

Date Policy

If you have a specific date and time you would like a cache item to expire, you can pass in a date object

var midnight = new Date();
midnight.setHours(24,0,0,0); // midnight
Medusa.get('sample', resolver, midnight).then(res => { console.log(res); });

Complex Policy

If you have something more complex you would like to do with the policy, you can pass in an object with your specifications.


  • expiry: Date or amount of miliseconds you would like the cache to expire (required but may be set to false)
  • provider: Specify the provider to use (default: 'memory')


Medusa.get('sample', resolver, {
  expiry: 1000,
  provider: 'memory',
}).then(res => { console.log(res); });

Alternate Storage Engines

var Medusa = require('medusajs');
var storageCache = require('medusajs/storageObjectProvider');
Medusa.addProvider('session', storageCache);



as of MedusaJS v1.1.0 if you request 2 calls at the same time, the resolver will only resolve once no matter how long the resolver takes. Making a slow API call will now only call the API once even if you request the information more then once in a short period.



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  • mikevalstar