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MEOCloud api wrapper.

Getting Started

npm install meocloud --save

Some Examples


var config = {
    oauth: {
        consumer_key: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        consumer_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxx',
        token: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
        token_secret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
    root: 'meocloud', // or sandbox
    noSSL: true // default: false
var meocloud = require('meocloud')(config);

Search for file

var meocloud = require('meocloud')(config);
var params = {
    query: 'my_search_term'
};'/', params, function(err, data, status) {
    console.log(err, data, status);

File Upload

There's two ways to make file uploads.

The first way, uses a helper method that takes care of all the details for you. If you don't need much flexibility, just use this:

var meocloud = require(meocloud)(config);
var params = {}; // add here only the MEOCloud API params
meocloud.upload('/file/to/upload.txt', '/new/file/path.txt', params, function(err, data, status) {
    console.log(err, data, status);

The second one, gives you enough flexibility to adapt to your project, but requires you to provide all the code to deal with files, and returns the request object so you can add event listeners to control the progress or whatever. Here's an example:

var meocloud = require('meocloud')(config);
var fs = require('fs');
fs.stat('/file/to/upload.txt', console.log(err, stat) {
    if (err) { throw err; }
    var fstream = fs.createReadStream('/file/to/upload.txt');
    var params = { overwrite: true };
    meocloud.putFile('/new/file/path.txt', fstream, stat.size, params, function(err, data, status) {
        console.log(err, data, status);
More samples coming soon ...


callback(err, data, status)

These are the arguments sent to every callback passed to this lib:

  • err (object) if an error occurred, this param will exist
  • data (object) the parsed JSON object from the API response
  • status (integer) the http status returned from the API response

metadata(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) the path the file / folder to retrieve info from
  • params (hash) the params to send in the GET URI
    • file_limit limit the number of files to list (if path is a folder)
    • hash if you need to check for file changes
    • list true if you want to list files inside the folder, false otherwise
    • include_deleted true if you want to list deleted files
    • rev if you want a specific version of the file/folder
  • cb (function) the callback function

metadataShare(shareID, path, params, cb)

  • shareID (string) the ID of the shared file (returned by the API when sharing)
  • path (string) the path to the shared file
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • file_limit the limit of files to be listed
  • cb (function) the callback function


  • cb (function) the callback function

deleteLink(params, cb)

  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • shareid the ID of the file share (required)
  • cb (function) the callback function

shares(path, cb)

  • path (string) the path to get all shares from
  • cb (function) the callback function

shareFolder(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) the path of the file/folder to share
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • to_email the email of the user to share the folder with (required)
  • cb (function) the callback function


  • cb (function) the callback function

thumbnails(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) the path of the file to fetch the thumbnail
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • format the format of the thumb image file (png or jpeg)
    • size the size of the thumbnail (xs, s, m, l, xl)
  • cb (function) the callback function

search(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) the path where to start the search
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • query the term to search for (required)
    • mime_type the mime type of the files to search for
    • file_limit the number of files to return
    • include_deleted true if it should search for deleted files
  • cb (function) the callback function

revisions(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) path to the file/folder
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • rev_limit the number of revisions to return
  • cb (function) the callback function

restore(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) path of the deleted file/folder to restore
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • rev the revision to restore the file to (required)
  • cb (function) the callback function

media(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) path of the file/folder to get the media from
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • download_fallback true if you want to revert to download on failure
    • protocol the streaming protocol (hls, rtmp, rtsp, ss)
  • cb (function) the callback function

getFile(path, params, cb)

  • path (string) the path of the file to get/download
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • rev revision of the version of the file to get
  • cb (function) the callback function

putFile(path, fileStream, fileSize, params, cb)

  • path (string) the path where the file will be saved
  • fileStream (readable stream) the stream of the file to be uploaded
  • fileSize (integer) the size, in bytes, of the file to be uploaded
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • overwrite true if you want to overwrite an already existing file path (requires parent_rev)
    • parent_rev if you want to overwrite, add the latest rev of the file (requires overwrite)
  • cb (function) the callback function

upload(origin, destination, params, cb)

  • origin (string) the path of the file to be uploaded
  • destination (string) the path where the file will be saved
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • overwrite true if you want to overwrite an already existing file path (requires parent_rev)
    • parent_rev if you want to overwrite, add the latest rev of the file (requires overwrite)
  • cb (function) the callback function

delta(params, cb)

  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • cursor only changes after this cursor will be listed
  • cb (function) the callback function

copy(params, cb)

  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • root choose meocloud or sandbox. default is meocloud.
    • from_path origin path of the file / folder (required)
    • to_path destination path of the file / folder (required)
    • from_copy_ref a reference to a shared file from other user
  • cb (function) the callback function

copyRef(path, cb)

  • path(string) path to the file
  • cb (function) the callback function

delete(params, cb)

  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • path the path of the file / folder to remove (required)
    • root choose meocloud or sandbox. default is meocloud.
  • cb (function) the callback function

move(params, cb)

  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • from_path the path of the file / folder to move (required)
    • to_path the destination path of the file / folder to move (required)
    • root choose meocloud or sandbox. default is meocloud.
  • cb (function) the callback function

createFolder(params, cb)

  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • path the path of the new folder (required)
    • root choose meocloud or sandbox. default is meocloud.
  • cb (function) the callback function

undeleteTree(path, cb)

  • path (string) the path of the file / folder to recover
  • params (hash) the params to send in the request
    • root choose meocloud or sandbox. default is meocloud.
  • cb (function) the callback function


  • cb (function) the callback function


Copyright (c) 2013 Rogério Vicente. Licensed under the MIT license.

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