
0.4.3 • Public • Published

Metalsmith Optimize HTML

npm: version license: MIT

A Metalsmith plugin for optimizing and minifying HTML files - UNDER DEVELOPMENT

Build with lots of inspiration from htmlcompressor. This plugin optimizes HTML files by removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and attributes. It also normalizes URLs, boolean attributes, and data attributes.

Why this plugin?

There was a time when Metalsmith HTML Minifier was the go-to plugin for HTML optimization. However, it looks abondoned and has some serious security issues. It is build as a wrapper for HTML Minifier which has now a security fix, but sadly the wrapper has not been updated. This plugin is build from scratch with just a few up-to-date dependencies. This is still a work in progress, but it is already usable. Please test it and report any issues you find.


npm install metalsmith-optimize-html


JavaScript API

import Metalsmith from 'metalsmith'
import optimizeHTML from 'metalsmith-optimize-html'

    // options
    removeComments: true,
    removeTagSpaces: true

CLI Usage

In your metalsmith.json:

  "plugins": {
    "metalsmith-optimize-html": {
      "removeComments": true,
      "removeTagSpaces": true,
      "simplifyDoctype": true


Core Optimization (Always On)

Whitespace normalization

  • Collapses multiple whitespace to single space
  • Removes whitespace between HTML tags
  • Preserves whitespace in <pre>, <code>, <textarea>, <script>, <style> tags

Optional Optimizations

removeComments: boolean (default: false)

  • Removes all HTML comments
<!-- This comment will be removed -->

removeTagSpaces: boolean (default: false)

  • Removes extra spaces inside HTML tags
  • Normalizes spaces between attributes
<div   class="example"   id="test"  >
<!-- becomes -->
<div class="example" id="test">

removeDefaultAttributes: boolean (default: false)

  • Removes common default attributes that browsers assume anyway
<script type="text/javascript" src="main.js">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<form method="get">
<input type="text">
<!-- becomes -->
<script src="main.js">
<link rel="stylesheet">

normalizeBooleanAttributes: boolean (default: false)

  • Normalizes boolean attributes to their shorter form
<input type="checkbox" checked="checked" disabled="disabled">
<select multiple="multiple">
<!-- becomes -->
<input type="checkbox" checked disabled>
<select multiple>

cleanUrlAttributes: boolean (default: false)

  • Cleans and normalizes URLs in href, src, action, srcset, and data attributes
  • Removes unnecessary whitespace in URLs
<a href="   ">
<!-- becomes -->
<a href="">

cleanDataAttributes: boolean (default: false)

  • Normalizes whitespace in data-* attribute values
  • Maintains valid JSON in data attributes
<div data-config='{ "key" :  "value" }'>
<!-- becomes -->
<div data-config='{"key":"value"}'>

removeEmptyAttributes: boolean (default: false)

  • Removes attributes with empty values
<div id="" class="   " data-value="">
<!-- becomes -->

removeProtocols: boolean (default: false)

  • Converts URLs to protocol-relative URLs
  • Preserves protocols in links with rel="external"
<a href="">
<a href="" rel="external">
<!-- becomes -->
<a href="//">
<a href="" rel="external">

simplifyDoctype: boolean (default: false)

  • Replaces any DOCTYPE declaration with HTML5 DOCTYPE
<!-- becomes -->
<!DOCTYPE html>

safeRemoveAttributeQuotes: boolean (default: false)

  • Only removes quotes if value contains no special characters
  • Preserves quotes for values with spaces, brackets, etc.
<div class="example" id=test data-value='{"key":"value"}'>
<!-- becomes -->
<div class=example id="test" data-value='{"key":"value"}'>

aggressive: boolean (default: false)

  • Enables all optimizations with a single option:
    • removeComments
    • removeTagSpaces
    • removeDefaultAttributes
    • normalizeBooleanAttributes
    • cleanUrlAttributes
    • cleanDataAttributes
    • removeEmptyAttributes
    • removeProtocols
    • simplifyDoctype
    • safeRemoveAttributeQuotes
 .use(optimizeHTML({ aggressive: true }))

All individual option settings are ignored when aggressive is true, except when explicitly overridden:

    aggressive: true,
    removeComments: false  // This override will be respected


Debug messages can be enabled by setting the DEBUG environment variable.

metalsmith.env( 'DEBUG', 'metalsmith-optimize-html' );

Limitations and Edge Cases

Malformed HTML Comments

  • The plugin cannot safely handle nested or malformed HTML comments
  • If a comment is not properly closed, it might affect subsequent content

Preserved Content

  • Content within <pre>, <code>, <textarea>, <script>, and <style> tags is preserved
  • Whitespace and formatting within these tags remains untouched

URL Processing

  • Protocol removal only affects http:// and https:// protocols
  • Other protocols (ftp://, ws://, etc.) remain unchanged
  • Handles URLs in meta tags (og:url, twitter:url, canonical)
  • Processes SVG attributes (xmlns, xlink:href, href, src)

Data Attributes

  • JSON values in data attributes must be valid JSON
  • Invalid JSON structures are left unchanged



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73.3 kB

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  • wernerglinka