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1.3.0 • Public • Published

Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for Angular 6+ (Angular 6.X.X and Angular 7.X.X)

This is a wrapper library for Angular 6+ (Angular 6.X.X and Angular 7.X.X) modules over Microsoft ADAL (Azure Active Directory Authentication Library) - that helps you integrate your web app with Microsoft's AAD (Azure Active Directory) for authentication scenarios.

Working example at

For information on how to configure Azure Active Directory refer -

Consumption of the library

Step 1: Install the package

npm i microsoft-adal-angular6

Also add it to your dependencies section in package.json so that it is restored when you do an npm install.

Step 2: Import MsAdalModule and configure Adal options

In the root module of your application, import the MsAdalModule module.

import { MsAdalAngular6Module } from 'microsoft-adal-angular6';

Configure Adal options while importing the module.

imports: [
      tenant: '<YOUR TENANT>',<-------------------------------- ADD
      clientId: '<YOUR CLIENT / APP ID>',<--------------------- ADD
      redirectUri: window.location.origin,
      endpoints: { <------------------------------------------- ADD
      navigateToLoginRequestUrl: false,
      cacheLocation: '<localStorage / sessionStorage>'<------ ADD

In case you need to set configuration values dynamically at runtime, you can also pass a function:

export function getAdalConfig() {
  return {
      tenant: '<YOUR TENANT>',
      clientId: '<YOUR CLIENT / APP ID>',
      redirectUri: window.location.origin,
      endpoints: { 
        "https://localhost/Api/": "xxx-bae6-4760-b434-xxx",
      navigateToLoginRequestUrl: false,
      cacheLocation: '<localStorage / sessionStorage>',
imports: [

This might be the case if you need to pass window.location.origin as redirectUri, since the Angular AOT compiler applies a special behavior when compiling @Decorators.

For a list of all available adal configuration options, refer -

Step 3: Secure individual routes

Use the AuthenticationGuard to secure indivuadual routes in your application. This ensures that users navigating to them must be authenticated with AAD to view them.

Import AuthenticationGuard and add it as a provider in your root module.

import { AuthenticationGuard } from 'microsoft-adal-angular6';
    providers: [AuthenticationGuard],

In your routing module, add it to the routes you want to secure -

const routes: Routes = [
    { path: '', component: AppComponent, pathMatch:'full', canActivate: [AuthenticationGuard]}
    imports: [    
    exports: [
  export class AppRoutingModule { }

Step 4 (Optional): Generating resource tokens

To generate resource level tokens for APIs your website may consume, specify the resources in your endpoints array while injecting adalConfig into MsAdalAngular6Module. Then to generate token, use acquireToken() of MsAdalAngular6Service-

constructor(private adalSvc: MsAdalAngular6Service) {
   this.adalSvc.acquireToken('<RESOURCE>').subscribe((resToken: string) => {

Step 5 (Optional): Other properties and methods

Based on your application needs you could use the below supported properties and methods of adalSvc -

this.adalSvc.userInfo // Gives you the complete user object with various properties about the logged in user
this.adalSvc.LoggedInUserEmail // Gets the LoggedInUserEmail
this.adalSvc.LoggedInUserName // Gets the LoggedInUserName
this.adalSvc.RenewToken() // Renews the AAD token
this.adalSvc.logout() // Logs out the signed in user

With these steps your application should be up and running with ADAL.

Important links

  1. Azure Active Directory Overview
  2. Configure Azure Active Directory
  3. Azure Active Directory Pricing
  4. Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) for JavaScript
  5. Sample Angular6 app that consumes this library

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  • maniram