This script will clean up your Mac's disk space. Aggressively. Currently it searches for (and cleans) the following items:
- MacOS Trash
- MacOS (User) Library Caches
- meteor package cache (shared between projects)
- meteor projects in your development base directory
- node_modules folders in your development base directory
- npm cache
- yarn cache
- bun cache
- Xcode DerivedData
- Xcode DeviceLogs
- iOS device support files
- Xcode caches
- gradle caches
- android build folders
- ruby gems
- docker containers, images, volumes, etc
- Android SDK packages
- Android AVDs
- Homebrew caches
npx mikes-macos-developer-disk-cleanup
- Panic because all your files are now gone and are never coming back.
- This script is designed for use on macOS systems only.
- Be cautious when running the script, as it permanently deletes files and data.
- Make sure to review the script's actions before confirming the cleanup.
- v1.0: Initial release