
1.5.3 • Public • Published

Mimosa Rpm Package

A plugin to mimosa to based on the web-package plugin written by David Bashford and the easy-rpm plugin writen by Panit Wechasil. Will generate an RPM-packaged version of your project sutible to distribute to RHEL-compatible boxes.

NOTE: this plugin will only work on linux boxes with rpm-tools installed.



Default Config

      name: "noname"
      summary: "No Summary"
      description: "None"
      version: "0.1.0"
      release: "1"
      license: "MIT"
      vendor: "Vendor"
      group: "Development/Tools"
      buildArch: "noarch"
      dependencies: []
      preInstallScript: []
      postInstallScript: []
      preUninstallScript: []
      postUninstallScript: []
      targetDestination: "/"
      useEntireConfig: false
      exclude:["README.md","node_modules","mimosa-config.coffee","mimosa-config-documented.coffee", "mimosa-config.js","assets",".git",".gitignore",".travis.yml",".mimosa","bower.json"]
      appjs: "app.js"

  • name: A string value that is used to set at the name of your RPM package.
  • summary: A string value that is used to set as the summary text of your RPM package
  • description: A string value that is used to set as the description of your RPM package
  • version: A string value that is used to set as the version of your RPM package
  • release: A string value that is used to set as the release of your RPM package
  • license: A string value that is used to specify the license type of your RPM package
  • vendor: A string value that is used to set as the Vendor property of your RPM package
  • group: A string value that is used to specify the group of your RPM package
  • buildArch: A string value that is used to set specify the target architecture of your RPM package
  • dependencies: An array of required packages, that should be installed before(e.g. ["nodejs >= 0.10.22"])
  • preInstallScript: An array of command to be excecuted before the installation
  • postInstallScript: An array of command to be excecuted after the installation
  • preUninstallScript: An array of command to be excecuted before the uninstallation
  • postUninstallScript: An array of command to be excecuted after the uninstallation
  • targetDestination: The root target for files when the RPM is installed
  • outPath: a string, the folder where mimosa-web-package will place your packaged app. Can be either relative to the root of your project or absolute.
  • configName: a string, the name of output configuration file without extension; it is also acceptable to define a subdirectory, although the subdirectory must exist and the path separator character ('/' or '') must be at the beginning (e.g. "config/settings"). The relevant portions of the mimosa-config are written to the outPath directory as configName + '.js'
  • useEntireConfig: a boolean, this module pulls out specific pieces of the mimosa-config that apply to what you may need with a packaged application. For instance, it does not include a coffeescript config, or a jshint config. If you want it to include the entire resolved mimosa-config flip this flag to true.
  • exclude: an array, files, relative to the root of the project, to not include in the package. If it isn't listed in this array, it will be included in the package.
  • appjs: name of the output app.js file which bootstraps the application, when set to null, web-package will not output a bootstrap file


Add rpm-package to your modules array

  modules: [

Package Sidebar


npm i mimosa-rpm-package

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Last publish


  • dretay