A mineflayer task queue manager. It's promise based, but you can also use non async functions in the queue.
- Installation
- Usage
Api documentation
- Action
- Add: (name: string, action: Action, delay?: number) => void
- Insert: (name: string, action: Action, delay?: number) => void
- InsertQueue: (name: string | string[], actions: Action[], add?: boolean, delays?: number[]) => void
- InsertAt: (index: number, name: string, action: Action, delay?: number) => void
- Remove: (name: string) => void
- Removef: (predicate: (task: BotTask, index: number, queue: BotTask[]) => boolean) => void
- Get: (index?: number) => BotTask
- GetWholeQueue: () => BotTask[]
- Clear: () => void
- Pause: () => void
- Resume: () => void
npm i mineflayer-task-manager
Makes 10 tasks that make the bot spin by 45 degrees every half a second, then writes the task queue to the terminal: (javascript)
const createBot = require("mineflayer").createBot;
const taskManager = require("mineflayer-task-manager").taskManager;
const bot = createBot({
username: "Steve",
host: "localhost",
port: 25565
bot.once("spawn", () => {
// Creates tasks
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bot.taskManager.Add("Spin", spin, 500);
// Writes the tasks to the console
console.log(bot.taskManager.GetWholeQueue().map(e => e.name).join(", "));
// Rotate by 45 degrees or π/4 radians.
function spin(b) {
b.entity.yaw += Math.PI / 4;
Here's the same example but using the InsertQueue function: (javascript)
const createBot = require("mineflayer").createBot;
const taskManager = require("mineflayer-task-manager").taskManager;
const bot = createBot({
username: "Steve",
host: "localhost",
port: 25565
bot.once("spawn", () => {
var actions = [];
var delays = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
bot.taskManager.InsertQueue("Spin", actions, false, delays);
console.log(bot.taskManager.GetWholeQueue().map(e => e.name + " " + e.delay).join(", "));
function spin(b) {
b.entity.yaw += Math.PI / 4;
Hello example: (typescript)
import { createBot } from "mineflayer";
import { taskManager } from "mineflayer-task-manager";
const bot = createBot({
username: "Steve",
host: "localhost",
port: 25565
bot.once("spawn", () => {
// Bot will say "Hello 2" one second after it spawned because of Hello 1 executing after 1000 ms,
// since it was inserted to the start after this was added.
bot.taskManager.Add("Hello 2", (b) => b.chat("Hello 2"), 0)
// Bot will execute this second
bot.taskManager.Insert("Hello 1", (b) => b.chat("Hello 1"), 1000)
// Bot will execute this first
bot.taskManager.Insert("Hello 0", (b) => b.chat("Hello 0"))
bot.taskManager.Add("look", async (b) => await b.lookAt(b.entity.position.offset(0, 0, 1)), 0)
Looks at the nearest entity, then says hello: (typescript)
import { createBot } from "mineflayer";
import { taskManager } from "mineflayer-task-manager";
const bot = createBot({
username: "Steve",
host: "localhost",
port: 25565
bot.once("spawn", () => {
bot.taskManager.Add("look", async (b) => {
var entity = b.nearestEntity();
if (entity == null)
b.chat("No entity");
await b.lookAt(entity.position.offset(0, entity.height, 0))
}, 0)
bot.taskManager.Add("hello", (b) => b.chat("Hello"))
Api documentation
- It's either a function or an async/Promise function.
- Action = ((bot: Bot) => void | Promise)
Add: (name: string, action: Action, delay?: number) => void
- Add an action to the task queue.
- name The name of the action use it to distinguish it from the rest.
- action the promise/void based function to execute when we get to it.
- delay the time in ms to wait before executing the action, set to 0 by default.
Insert: (name: string, action: Action, delay?: number) => void
- Add an action to the start of the task queue.
- name The name of the action use it to distinguish it from the rest.
- action the promise/void based function to execute when we get to it.
- delay the time in ms to wait before executing the action, set to 0 by default.
InsertQueue: (name: string | string[], actions: Action[], add?: boolean, delays?: number[]) => void
- You can define an array of actions, and insert them to the start of the queue while they keep their order the same way they are in the actions array.
- name Either a name that it will assign to each action, or an array of names with the same length as the actions array that it will pair up with the actions.
- actions The list of Actions to either insert at the start of the queue, or add at the end of the queue.
- add Incase you want to add the actions to the end of queue instead of inserting them. Set to false by default.
- delays An array containing all the delays for each of the tasks, which will get paired up like the names. Set to an empty array my default.
InsertAt: (index: number, name: string, action: Action, delay?: number) => void
- Add an action at the index of the task queue. Moves the element already at the index by +1 and so on.
- index The index where the action should go.
- name The name of the action use it to distinguish it from the rest.
- action the promise/void based function to execute when we get to it.
- delay the time in ms to wait before executing the action, set to 0 by default.
Remove: (name: string) => void
- Remove an action from the queue.
- name The name of the action use it to distinguish it from the rest.
Removef: (predicate: (task: BotTask, index: number, queue: BotTask[]) => boolean) => void
- Remove all the tasks for which the predicate returned false, from the queue.
- predicate Basically the filter.
Get: (index?: number) => BotTask
- Get a task from the queue.
- index the index of the task, set to 0 by default.
- Returns The bot task at the index.
GetWholeQueue: () => BotTask[]
- Get the queue.
- Returns The whole queue.
Clear: () => void
- Removes every element from the queue.
Pause: () => void
- Stops executing tasks in the queue.
Resume: () => void
- Resumes executing tasks in the queue.