TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

3.0.4 • Public • Published


CI CodeQL License NPM version

This is Minesweeper as a WebComponent. Once you integrate it as described further, the game just follows the standard rules. To place a flag just press ctrl, alt or the meta key while clicking on a field.

Getting Started

Install the package via npm or yarn and deliver the script to the user. This can be done via import, require or just inserting a script tag.

npm i minesweeper-for-web
yarn add minesweeper-for-web


Param Type Description Default
columns number Amount of columns of the board. 9
rows number Amount of rows of the board. 9
bombs number Amount of bombs of the board. 10
long-press-threshold number Amount of milliseconds required to trigger a long press (placing a flag). A value of zero or below disabled the long press functionality overall. 500
disable-question-marks boolean Disables the functionality to place question marks. false
flag-placement-mode boolean Enables the flag placement mode. A mode where every click places a flag instead of revealing the field. false
restart-selector string If present, attaches a click event listener to the element to trigger a restart.
bomb-counter-selector string If present, changes the textContent of the provided element to the amount of bombs minus the amount of placed flags.


By default, each event contains the current game state in event.detail.game. To discourage cheating, no events should be logged in the browser console.

Name Type Cancelable Description detail
minesweeper:game-won GameWonEvent User just won the game
  • board: MinesweeperBoard current game state
minesweeper:game-lost GameLostEvent User just lost the game
  • board: MinesweeperBoard current game state
minesweeper:field-click FieldClickEvent User clicked a field
  • board: MinesweeperBoard current game state
  • target: FieldTarget target of the click
  • field: HTMLElement clicked field
minesweeper:field-long-press FieldLongPressEvent User long pressed a field
  • board: MinesweeperBoard current game state
  • target: FieldTarget target of the long press
  • field: HTMLElement long pressed field
minesweeper:field-interaction FieldInteractionEvent Game state change occurred
  • board: MinesweeperBoard current game state
  • target: FieldTarget target of the interaction
  • interaction: Interaction interaction information


Basic usage

Just a basic 9x9 / 10 Mines minesweeper game. Further examples can be combined.


<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';
  // Alternatives:
  // import 'minesweeper-for-web/custom-element';
  // import 'minesweeper-for-web/custom-element.min';

Custom tag name

Define your own custom tag name


<script type="module">
  import { MinesweeperGame } from 'minesweeper-for-web/minesweeper-game';
  // Alternative:
  // import { MinesweeperGame } from 'minesweeper-for-web/minesweeper-game.min';
  window.customElements.define('custom-minesweeper-game', MinesweeperGame);

Provide left-bomb-counter container

To keep the user informed how many mines are left, after subtracting the number of placed flags, just provide a container for the counter.

<p><span id="bomb-counter"></span> Mines</p>
<minesweeper-game bomb-counter-selector="#bomb-counter"></minesweeper-game>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

Provide a restart button

Provide a selector where a "click"-event will be attached to, to restart the game.

<minesweeper-game restart-selector="#restart-game-button"></minesweeper-game>
<button id="restart-game-button">Restart!</button>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

Disable Long Press

Provide a number lower or equal to 0 to disable the long press functionality.

<minesweeper-game long-press-threshold="0"></minesweeper-game>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

Trigger Restart via JavaScript

Write custom logic to restart the game.

<minesweeper-game id="minesweeper"></minesweeper-game>
<button id="restart-game-button-confirm">Restart with Confirm!</button>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    const minesweeper = document.querySelector('#minesweeper');

    document.querySelector('#restart-game-button-confirm').addEventListener('click', (event) => {
      if (window.confirm('Are you sure, that you want to restart the game?')) {

Custom win/lose event listener

Attach an EventListener for the win/lose events.

<minesweeper-game id="minesweeper"></minesweeper-game>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    const minesweeper = document.querySelector('#minesweeper');

    minesweeper.addEventListener('game-won', () => {

    minesweeper.addEventListener('game-lost', () => {

Different initial game configurations

Of course you can provide different configurations for the game.

<minesweeper-game rows="30" columns="16" bombs="99"></minesweeper-game>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

Providing a selectable gamemode

Furthermore you can implement some own logic to create a selectable gamemode

<select name="select-game-mode" id="select-game-mode">
  <option value="easy" selected>Easy - 9x9 / 10 Mines</option>
  <option value="normal">Normal - 16x16 / 40 Mines</option>
  <option value="hard">Hard - 16x30 / 99 Mines</option>

<minesweeper-game id="minesweeper"></minesweeper-game>

<script type="module">
  import 'minesweeper-for-web';

  function getGameModeConfiguration(currentGameMode) {
    switch (currentGameMode) {
      case 'hard':
        return {
          columns: 30,
          rows: 16,
          bombs: 99,
      case 'normal':
        return {
          columns: 16,
          rows: 16,
          bombs: 40,
      default: // 'easy'
        return {
          columns: 9,
          rows: 9,
          bombs: 10,

  window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
    const minesweeper = document.querySelector('#minesweeper');

    document.querySelector('#select-game-mode').addEventListener('change', (event) => {

      const gameModeConfiguration = getGameModeConfiguration(event.target.value);


Try it out at CodePen.

Example Image


The whole package is written in TypeScript and therefore provides a strongly typed system via the core export of the package:

<!-- some-file.html -->
<minesweeper-game id="minesweeper"></minesweeper-game>
// some-file.ts
import 'minesweeper-for-web/custom-element';
import { FieldInteractionEvent, FieldInteractionType } from 'minesweeper-for-web/core';
import type { MinesweeperGame } from 'minesweeper-for-web/core';

const minesweeperGame = document.querySelector('#minesweeper') as MinesweeperGame;
  (event: FieldInteractionEvent) => {
    const { interaction } = event.detail;
    switch (interaction.type) {
      case FieldInteractionType.Unveiled:
        console.log('Revealed field value:', interaction.value);
      case FieldInteractionType.FlagAction:
      case FieldInteractionType.QuestionMarkAction:
        console.log('Performed action:', interaction.action);


The engine can be used as a standalone library (commonjs and esm) via the engine export of the package. This enables the usage of the engine in every application (server- or client-side).

import { MinesweeperEngine } from 'minesweeper-for-web/engine';

const engine = new MinesweeperEngine();

// Creates a board with 10 columns, 12 rows and 10 bombs
engine.createBoard(10, 12, 10);

// Unveils the field in the first row and second column (indexes)
engine.selectField(0, 1);

// Follows the specification of `selectField`
engine.toggleFlag(0, 2);
// Nothing happens since a flag is present on that field
engine.selectField(0, 2);

// Follows the specification of `selectField`
engine.toggleQuestionMark(0, 3);
// Still unveils the field regardless of the question mark
engine.selectField(0, 3);

if (engine.isGameOver) {
  // Restarts the game with the initial configuration
const { MinesweeperEngine } = require('minesweeper-for-web/engine');

const engine = new MinesweeperEngine();

// ...


MIT License

Icons Copyright

All rights for the icons used in this project belongs to their original creators: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Minesweeper

The icons "bomb_red.svg" and "bomb.svg" are based on "number-0.svg" and "flag_missed.svg" is based on "bomb.svg".

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  • manuelhenke