This node package is used to generate Mishnah learning calendars. It was primarily built for Mishnah Yomit but can be used to build calendars for other learning structures.
$ npm install mishnah -S
var mishnah = require("mishnah");
//The total number of Mishanayot.;
//An array of the names of all the tractates.
//An object of the structure of the Mishnah.
//Each key is the name of the tractate with the value an array of total mishnayot per perek.
The function returns the Mishnayot to be studied on the given date
to the Mishnah Yomit program.
The function will return a mishnah range which is structured as follows, e.g.
t: 0, // tractate index (use the mishnah.names property)
p: 1, // perek number
m: 1, // mishnah number
t: 0, // tractate index (use the mishnah.names property)
p: 1, // perek number
m: 2, // mishnah number
If the value of pretty
is true
then a readable version will be returned, e.g.
Parah 12:6-7`
The function builds a daily Mishnah learning calendar.
The argument is an optional object:
start: new Date(), // starting date (defaults to 10 July 2010)
per_day: 2, // mishnayot to be learnt per day (default: 2)
cycles: 1, // cycles to generate (default: 1)
perakim: false, // build a perakim based learning schedule (default: false)
sun2thurs: false, // build a schedule for Sunday to Thursday only (default: false),
seder: "nashim" // build a schedule for a specific seder only (default: undefined)
The function returns the following array:
d: [{
t: 0, // tractate index (use the mishnah.names property)
p: 1, // perek number
m: 1, // mishnah number
t: 0, // tractate index (use the mishnah.names property)
p: 1, // perek number
m: 2, // mishnah number
date: Date, // date object
english: "Monday, September 7th 2015" // nicely formated english date
hebrew: "23 Elul 5775", // nicely formatted hebrew date
pretty: "Berachot 1:1-2" // nicely formated mishnayot to study
}, { ...]
Returns a pretty format of a Mishnah range (as already described above).
Returns the mishnah source/text in html format from wikisource.
The mishnah object expects the following format:
t: 0, // tractate index (use the mishnah.names property)
p: 1, // perek number
m: 1, // mishnah number
If a callback is not provided, a promise will be returned.
The original sheet with the breakdown of mishnayot per perek was taken from here.