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1.2.2 • Public • Published


A materialize-css library for the Mithril framework (tested with v2.0 and higher, but presumably, it should work with v1.1.6 too), making it easier to use a Materialize theme in your application. The main focus of this library is on creating Mithril components for the more complicated Materialize components.

Supported components:

  • Buttons
    • Button
    • FlatButton
    • RoundButton
    • SubmitButton
    • FloatingActionButton
  • Inputs
    • TextInput
    • TextArea
    • AutoComplete
    • UrlInput
    • EmailInput
    • NumberInput
    • ColorInput
    • RangeInput
    • Chips
  • Pickers
    • DatePicker
    • TimePicker
  • Selections
    • Select
    • Options
    • RadioButtons
    • Switch
    • Dropdown
  • Collections
    • Basic, Link and Avatar Collections
    • Collapsible or accordion
  • Modals
    • ModalPanel
  • Miscellaneous
    • Tabs
    • MaterialBox
    • Carousel
    • Pagination
    • Parallax
  • Additional
    • Label
    • HelperText
  • Not from Materialize-CSS

Version history

v1.2.0: Added Search select, a searchable select dropdown

v1.1.7: Added option to add style to InputCheckbox and Options

v0.17.1: bug fix

  • Select component also reacts when the checkedId property becomes undefined (previously, it would ignore it).


  • Breaking change: Options and RadioButtons used the inline property to put items horizontally. This is actually not needed, and it has been removed. Instead, use the checkboxClass to set the grid size of each cell.


  • NumberInput adds support for the step attribute, so you can use the number up/down to represent floats too.


  • Updated dependencies, fixed library vulnerabilities


  • Select, Options, and RadioButtons: The checkedId property can be used to change the selection in onupdate dynamically. Otherwise, it is treated the same as initialValue (which is only processed in oninit). This allows you to dynamically update the selections without recreating the component.


  • Select disabled status is computed dynamically in the view, not only in oninit.
  • Select, Option, Radio, Kanban: onchange is computed dynamically in the view, not only in oninit. As the onchange created a closure, new attributes were not always updated as expected.


  • Pagination component simplified implementation.


  • FIX: Pickers destroy them onremove.


  • FIX: Pagination did not properly compute the go forward disabled/enabled state.


  • FIX: Pagination did not highlight current item when item index exceeded size limit. Also updated example with actual routes.


  • NEW: FloatingActionButton created.


  • FIX: Kanban triggering too many onchange messages.


  • FIX: Select when using multiple keeps the dropdown open, but re-initialize select when the options change.


  • FIX: Kanban did not trigger onChange when disabled, but with editable properties.


  • FIX: Chips did not initialize properly when onChange was not specified (e.g. when disabled).


  • NEW: PasswordInput component to enter passwords.


  • FIX: Tabs component selection did not work in Edge due to the way the select function was implemented in materialize-css.


  • FIX: Select when using multiple keeps the dropdown open, dropdownOptions and classes are passed on creation.
  • Select, Options, Radios use initialValue instead of checkedId (which is deprecated but still working). The rationale is that the checked values are only read initially, when the component is created.


  • FIX: Options and Radios no longer use h6 element for labels, so they behave more like other labels.


  • FIX: Options and RadioButtons did not listen to the disabled property.


  • When using a placeholder in an input field, the label should be active.


  • LinksCollection sometimes created unwanted href attribute in links.

v0.14.1 Using Mithril v2

  • Migrated backwards from Mithril v2.0.3 to v2.0.1 due to bugs in the released version.
  • When Collection items have an id property, the id property is used as key (e.g. for sorting the collection). You should not include a key property directly in your item's data, as explained here.

v0.14.0 Using Mithril v2

  • Upgrading all dependencies
  • Pickers now trigger onchange when closing.
  • Replace all links oncreate: with m.route.Link.

v0.13.15 Patch

  • Select removed console.warn in library.
  • Updated npm scripts.

v0.13.14 Enhancements

  • Dropdown: displayed text is truncated, so it doesn't overflow the button.
  • Select can receive options, e.g. dropdownOptions: { container: document.body } to display it properly in a Modal.
  • Modal examples added with Select and Dropdown components.

v0.13.13 Bug fix related to mithril RC7

  • FIX Kanban key usage and drag-n-drop behaviour

v0.13.12 Bug fix

  • Options checkboxClass was not applied, so you could not align items properly.

v0.13.11 Enhancements

  • Chips component can now have an optional label (title) and helperText (under the input). Also the alignment has been fixed (the input used to be slightly wider than a regular input).

v0.13.10 Enhancement

  • Added IIFE and ESM output builds
  • Refactoring the code slightly
  • Chips now has a default className: col s12

v0.13.9 Enhancement

  • ModalPanel buttons' onclick handler now also receives the event, so you can prevent mithril from redrawing.
  • ModalPanel has a new handler, onCreate which can be used to receive the modal instance, so you can control it programmatically.

v0.13.8 Bug fix

  • Select, checkedId is evaluated in the view instead of oninit.

v0.13.6 Minor updates

  • Dropdown, Kanban, TimePicker, DatePicker can be disabled.

v0.13.5 Minor updates

  • Dropdown id, if not supplied, caused confusion when multiple Dropdowns were used on one page.
  • Kanban uses type information. New property, editableIds, which makes some properties also editable in the list view.

v0.13.0 Breaking changes

  • Select component now maintains the checkedIds internally, i.e. they are only processed during oninit. This is to create consistent behaviour with the Options and RadioButtons components.
  • Select, Options, Dropdown and RadioButtons are no longer of the generic type, since IDs can only be strings or numbers.
  • ISelectOption is removed, and is replaced by IInputOption, making it easier to switch between a radios, select and options.
  • Options has a property checkedId, similar to RadioButtons and Select, to specify the checked/selected IDs. This replaces the IInputOption.isChecked property, which has been removed.


  • Kanban: new component to render an editable list of items. Supports drag-and-drop between lists too, essentially allowing you to create a Kanban list. Hence the name.
  • InputCheckbox: label is optional
  • Options and RadioButtons are more consistent with respect to look and feel.
  • Options and RadioButtons support an inline property to align them horizontally.
  • Select, Options, and RadioButtons all use IInputOption to specify their options. An item can be disabled now.

v0.13.0 No breaking changes

  • FileInput: added initialValue to set the initial value more clearly, and added a clear button to remove the input.

v0.12.2 No breaking changes

  • Tabs: added contentClass to add a class to the content.

v0.12.1 No breaking changes

  • Simplified bundling after issues in webpack.

v0.12.0 No breaking changes

  • Tabs component added, to show tabs.

v0.11.11 No breaking changes

  • Bug fix: TextArea did not invoke onchange when the input was cleared.
  • Using Rollup as bundler, generating two bundles (ESM, regular JS).

v0.11.8 No breaking changes

  • Collection onclick event was not registered properly.

v0.11.7 No breaking changes

  • Timeline title can now be a Vnode too.

v0.11.6 No breaking changes

  • Select control can now be disabled by adding the property disabled: true to the control's properties.

v0.11.5 No breaking changes

  • MapEditor has an onchange callback to notify changes to the properties collection.
  • MapEditor allows you to set the column width (keyClass) for the key and value column (keyValue).

v0.11.4 No breaking changes

  • FIX CodeBlock missed importing of css.

v0.11.3 No breaking changes

  • FIX Timeline: Default date formatter did not add 1 to the months. See here.
  • FIX MapEditor when dealing with number inputs and the number was 0, it did not work properly.
  • FIX NumberInput when the number was 0, the label was not active (and overlaying the number).

v0.11.2 No breaking changes

  • FIX Issue with SecondaryContent in Collection component: when no href was provided, it still created a href=#!undefined link.

v0.11.1 No breaking changes

  • Improved generics of Select and Dropdown component
  • FIX Issue with placeholder in Select component: when no item was selected, it would not show the placeholder text.

v0.11.0 New component, Timeline

  • Added a Timeline component to render vertical timelines.
  • Collection now accepts other parameters, e.g. styles.
  • All css styles are extracted into separate css files, and imported in the component. This implies that you don't need to add the required CSS in your own application anymore (except for materialisecss, of course).
  • Added documentation using Typedoc. It can be found here.

v0.10.0 New component, MapEditor

  • Added a new component, MapEditor, to edit a map of key-value pairs.
  • InputCheckbox can now be disabled.
  • Attributes are better dealt with and no longer end up as unused attributes of elements.
  • Fixed a bug for TextInput, where sometimes the active class was not added even if the input element had a value.

v0.9.10 Breaking changes

  • Deprecated the use of all contentClass properties in favour of the mithril convention className.

v0.9.9 Breaking changes

  • ModalPanel: it's description (i.e. the main content area of the modal) can be a Vnode.
  • Select does not use contentClass anymore, but instead uses the regular mithril className (but not class, since this is a reserved keyword in TypeScript).

v0.9.6 No breaking changes

  • For a Collection with secondary content, do not create a SPA route (with a #!) but leave the URL as is.

v0.9.5 No breaking changes

  • FIX Select bug when numeric option IDs were used and ID === 0, option was never selected.

v0.9.4 No breaking changes

  • FIX Collection without headers did no longer render.

v0.9.3 No breaking changes

  • Collection with links can now also contain a header.
  • Collection with no items and only a header will now just render the header

v0.9.0 Breaking changes

  • Collapsible is now correctly spelled (used to be Collabsible, oops).
  • Added Collection, to create a collection of items: supports basic, link and avatar collections.

v0.8.3 No breaking changes

  • FileInput component can be disabled, and accepts file types.

v0.8.1 No breaking changes

  • Closes issue #1: Select issue with id === 0
  • MaterialBox can set height, passes attributes to wrapped image element

v0.8.0 No breaking changes

  • FileInput component can specify class property on the div wrapper (default col s12) and contentClass property on the file input element.

v0.7.0 Breaking changes for Dropdown component.

  • New FileInput component to upload one or more files.
  • Dropdown uses similar items as Select, and uses checkedId to select the item.
  • Dropdown items can now use an icon and dividers.
  • Dropdown can now have a helper text option and an icon prefix.

v0.6.4 Breaking changes, bug fix.

  • Select did not always return the proper id on selection changes with multiple elements.

v0.6.3 No breaking changes, bug fix.

  • Select did not update dynamically when checkedId changed.

v0.6.2 No breaking changes

  • Select can use M.FormSelectOptions.

v0.6.1 No breaking changes

  • Select can have disabled options, and id is optional (in which case the label is used).
  • Select can use a prefix icon.

v0.6.0 No breaking changes

  • Inputs can now use onkeyup, onkeydown, and onkeypress events. They also return the value.
  • Additionally, they can use readOnly, pattern and autocomplete (does not always seem to work).

v0.5.0 No breaking changes

  • NEW: Pagination control
  • BUG FIX: Input.onchange would not fire if the input was cleared.
  • All options now derives from mithril's Attributes.
  • Using FactoryComponent type

v0.4.4 No breaking changes

  • Do not pass attributes through, e.g. if you had a m(FlatButton, { onupdate }), the onupdate was passed through to the HelperText too.

v0.4.3 No breaking changes

  • The validate method for inputs now also accepts the HTMLInputElement
  • Removed a few left-over console.log statements.

v0.4.2 No breaking changes

  • Added required and aria-required="true" attributes when the required or isMandatory property are set.

v0.4.1 No breaking changes

  • Updated all components to use the mithril dom attribute instead of performing a document query. This has two advantages: first of all, performance, since we do not need to query for an element we already have. Second, when implementing custom elements that have an oncreate function. Using document.query... will lead to no results.

v0.4.0 No breaking changes

  • New components: MaterialBox, Collapsible or accordion, and Carousel

v0.3.0 Breaking changes

  • Buttons no longer use the ui class to specify additional properties like onclick. Instead, you can leverage the mithril attributes directly. See the example, button-page.
  • contentClass has been removed in favour of the default mithril class or className attribute.
  • The Icon function has been replaced by the Icon component. The SmallIcon and PrefixedIcon have been removed, as they can easily be created using the Icon component.
  • The autofocus attribute for inputs now also works on updates (by calling the element.focus() method).
  • The code has been split over multiple files, so it is easier to only import the components that you need.


  • Validate function can return a custom validation message. Also, it is called in onupdate, so the validation occurs also when you just attach the validate function conditionally.


  • Label field is optional for inputs.
  • Added autofocus function|property to input fields.
  • Added custom validation using the validate function|property to add valid/invalid label to an input.
  • Removed dependency on materialize-css (it is expected that it is imported via the main app).

Usage instructions

See the documentation for examples on how to use this library in your own application. Please note that the library does not include mithril, nor the materialize-css JavaScript or CSS, so you have to include them yourself, as documented.

Build instructions

This repository consists of two packages, combined using lerna: the lib package that is published to npm, as well as an example project which uses this library to display the Mithril components that it contains.

To install the dependencies, you can use npm i, or, alternatively, use pnpm m i (assuming you have installed pnpm as alternative package manager using npm i -g pnpm) to perform a multi-repository install. Next, build everything using npm start and visit the documentation page on http://localhost:1234 in case port 1234 is not occupied already.


Although I've tried to limit the CSS adaptations to a minimum, I needed to tweak certain parts to make it look better. Here are the styles I've added.

/* For the switch */
.clear-15 {
  clear: both;
  /* overflow: hidden; Précaution pour IE 7 */
.clear-10 {
  margin-bottom: 10px;
.clear-15 {
  margin-bottom: 15px;

span.mandatory {
  margin-left: 5px;
  color: red;

label+.switch {
  margin-top: 1rem;

/* For the color input */
input[type='color']:not(.browser-default) {
  margin: 0px 0 8px 0;
  /** Copied from input[type=number] */
  background-color: transparent;
  border: none;
  border-bottom: 1px solid #9e9e9e;
  border-radius: 0;
  outline: none;
  height: 3rem;
  width: 100%;
  font-size: 16px;
  padding: 0;
  -webkit-box-shadow: none;
  box-shadow: none;
  -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
  box-sizing: content-box;
  -webkit-transition: border 0.3s, -webkit-box-shadow 0.3s;
  transition: border 0.3s, -webkit-box-shadow 0.3s;
  transition: box-shadow 0.3s, border 0.3s;
  transition: box-shadow 0.3s, border 0.3s, -webkit-box-shadow 0.3s;

/* For the options' label */
.input-field.options > label {
  top: -2.5rem;

/* For the code block */
.codeblock {
  margin: 1.5rem 0 2.5rem 0;
.codeblock > div {
  margin-bottom: 1rem;
.codeblock > label {
  display: inline-block;

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  • erikvullings