
1.1.5 • Public • Published

MobilPay Card

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This is a very lightweight NodeJS library to integrate Netopia mobilPay payment gateway in your projects.

  • builds mobilPay request from the input data
  • adds split payments field to the request to send part of the payment to another account
  • validates mobilPay response based on the private key associated with the account ​


npm install mobilpay-card


The first step for using this library is to extract the public key from the public certificate given to you by Mobilpay

openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in public.cer > public.pem

​ You can choose to use the contents of the .pem or .key files, or the files themselves. ​ Import the library

const MobilPay = require('mobilpay-card') // ES5
import MobilPay from 'mobilpay-card' // ES6
constructor params Type Description
signature String Signature provided by Mobilpay
const mobilPay = new MobilPay(
    'XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX', // Mobilpay signature

​ After initialization, you need to set up the public key ​ You can either do it from file, or from string:

mobilPay.setPublicKey('-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' +
        'OTFjQoeNtpHHxSm6j+WFYglAYNzHOWWHdXtF4vVItUCNmfaw2RkMI2qwKa9\n' +
        '0vW6MBxJGR/NWDxwWW2KQNvASMh2EXGk147YgRr46cLs5Y5l3gaFS4pyGhN\n' +
        'CFKTHp/TC1htnxjHXQIDAQAB\n' +
        '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n');


setPublicKeyFromPath ('<path_to_pem_file>') 

​ Initialize and set the client and payment details

setClientBillingData params Type Description
firstName String The client's first name
lastName String The client's last name
county String The client's county
city String The client's city
address String The client's address
city String The client's city
email String The client's email
phone String The client's phone number
setPaymentData params Type Description
orderId String The unique identifier for the payment
amount Number The amount to be paid
currency String The currency in which the payment will take place
details String The details of the payment
confirmUrl String The url which the MobilPay API should call for confirmation
returnUrl String The url which the MobilPay API should return after confirmation
    firstName: 'tes',
    lastName: 'ting',
    county: 'test',
    city: 'test',
    address: 'test',
    email: '',
    phone: '0799999999',
    amount: 1,
    currency: 'RON',
    details: 'No details',
    confirmUrl: 'http://confirm.url',
    returnUrl: 'http://return.url',

You can also set a different shipping address by using mobilPay.setClientShippingData({...}) which has the same parameters as mobilPay.setClientBillingData({...}) presented above. ​ For setting up split payments you can use the setSplitPayment function:

setSplitPayment params Type Description
destinationId String The destination sac_id for the master
destinationAmount Number The amount to be paid to the master
mobilPay.setSplitPayment('<sac_id>', 1);

​ To build the request

buildRequest params Type Description
sandbox Bool Use for sandbox
let request = mobilPay.buildRequest(true);

​ The request that will be constructed will look like: ​

    "url": "",
    "env_key": "OQR4VUMOHY1W+jMcE8NCc7Es2mf37+lqECwygW8rS1O55E2kkwwZqY9oyG4WuXeyN7rjIiC3YvmvJ1od8+5f2p1ygxe4H1gp0naxfEi52W/PAuoChgqkVKswvI67kzKg3yc7JGpbPcOp+hTgnTAzegWGb69WTpLxWf+HGHs0A/o=",
    "data": "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"

To send a request to Mobilpay, you need to setup a form with method = POST, and action = request.url. As inputs for the form, you need to send the request.env_key and ​ After being processed and the payment has been made, the Mobilpay API will make an API call to the confirmUrl set above. The confirmUrl should be an endpoint on the API you are building, because it needs to verify the response from Mobilpay. ​ To verify, you need the validatePayment method which take the env_key and data from the Mobilpay request body, and also set the private key (from file or string)

validatePayment params Type Description
env_key String The env_key from the Mobilpay request body
data String The data from the Mobilpay request body
const {env_key, data} = body
mobilPay.setPrivateKey('-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n' +
        'cheCdCB/EwUZYFELepVGldTsDIt/w7h9Bi/55+Eq0HjBp9zqjZh67akEQKb\n' +
        'x1ilA87XkrBKXTvGzyszglz6UbfLhuLg1UfmjJst9cOtwPOANewKHv2uJio\n' +
        'wqqolt+OImKm0MO0/+MM/z8n4szPAgMBAAECgYEA8JL6OkIBO+Iy7BvyUe6\n' +
        'g0ySK9drjclUFwYUZLwUMzmOToQ4yVECsKYZMbwq4jXRmcMo9mwQxOt3Zvc\n' +
        'ukwcwbnhDbUY2pgEr+SMasYzEErg+pJLhLkWCs8tJL+YppV3T9LelekBwY3\n' +
        'bQmWdbaLv56P+5w7QIECQQD7SmicemdHGwmhEz13nbOynmP0hyFYYkKmUSn\n' +
        'R6VpunCD9G3thIBJfFVyg4EDHqOQIMekypTcd8XRAmHJAkE4Hia8EXJA6hf\n' +
        'ATkaasI6R79ZriOUp7W2jqSGQ1UtujY3n7TuNuE0GjISgYwbhcowabJKEVJ\n' +
        '5gvF1wJAVjYM9cI4tHheMVi8edEs2Vbly/rJmM+U5N21emFiumvuFWfcSFI\n' +
        'Me3qEsNy+3MDgmr8k1i9AXZF85LxoQJBALRifaFlWVgu++lHc+sg5t6xJJx\n' +
        '1qIm2rc1jH2WAAdRNeczxjOwA8Etj3s+FjRMgmDjEuGWBzyjuECQQCj/DtM\n' +
        '+b7wtPqMtet6cbf8Mc45vJnvmIpviG/BMYi8dlQFty1gzw/dNM47umAVxTR\n' +
        '9JSX2ToP3Qt102qK\n' +
        '-----END PRIVATE KEY-----');// or
// setPrivateKeyFromPath ('<path_to_private_key_file>')let response = mobilPay.validatePayment(env_key, data)if (response.error) {
    * Code in case of error
    res.set(response.res.set.key, response.res.set.value)
* Code in case of success
switch (response.action) {
    case 'confirmed': 
        // do something
    case 'paid': 
        // do something
    case 'paid_pending':
        // do something
    case 'confirmed_pending':
        // do something
res.set(response.res.set.key, response.res.set.value)

A successful response from the validation looks like this

    "action": mobilpayAction,
    "errorMessage": null,
    "error": null,
    $: {...},
    "orderInvoice": {...},
    "res": {
        "set": {
            "key": "Content-Type",
            "value": "application/xml"
        "send": `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><crc>errorMessage</crc>`

​ The returnUrl can be a static page to indicate the end-user that the payment has been made. ​


  • Automatic public key extraction

About the Salt&Pepper team

We are a full-service software company dedicated to building digital products that matter.

We do this by providing a complete range of services required for building great products: consulting services, business analysis, UI/UX design, web/mobile development, quality assurance and maintenance.

We consider ourselves to be a new generation company, a mix between the world of the big agencies and the startup ecosystem. We can describe us as a multi-skilled, curious, passionate and visionary team of digital specialists.



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  • botan.adrian
  • lucianlutas