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1.6.19 • Public • Published

Ava Music Player (ReactJS Music Player)


$ npm install mobin-ava-music-player

Getting started

import AvaMusicPlayer from "mobin-ava-music-player";
import "mobin-ava-music-player/dist/style.css";

function App() {
    return (
                    id: 1,
                    scope: "audiom",
                    name: "playlist name",
                    cover: "playlist cover",
                    startIndex: 1,
                    description: "playlist description",
                    items: [
                            music_id: "1",
                            name: "music name",
                            artist: [
                                    artist_name: "artist name",
                                    artist_id: 1,
                            cover: "music cover",
                            url: ["music url"],
                            lyric: "music lyric",
                            timestamp: 1,
                            quality: "320",
                            from: "string",
                            music_duration: 1,
                            mood: [""],
                            genre: [""],
                            tags: [""],
<div id="root"></div>
<div id="ava-music-player-dialog-root"></div>
<!-- Add This line for player portal -->

API Reference

API Type required Default Description
playlist PlaylistType - playlist data
log boolean - If set to 'true,' it enables logging
xWebId string - Set x-web-id to log request header
provider string "unknown" set provider to send in log request
playStatus boolean - set play status
preFetchAudioCount number 5 Define number of prefetch audios
preFetchAudioSize number(MB) 100 MB Define maximum size of prefetch
onClose function => {} - Music player close event
onOpenFullscreen function => {} - Event trigger when music player get full screen
onCloseFullscreen function => {} - Event trigger when music player minimize from full screan
onMusicChange function => music - Event trigger when active music change and reutrns audio and it's index in musics list
onPlay function => music - Event trigger on music change or play
onPlay function => {} - Event trigger on music pause
onError function => url, isLastUrl, music - Event trigger when music url is bloken


API Type required Default Description
id number - playlist id
scope string - It indicates the service user of the web service. Its value for audiom is 'audiom'
name string - Playlist name
description string - Playlist description
cover string,null - Playlist cover
timestamp number - Playlist create date
shareUrl string - Share url of playlist
startIndex number - Each playlist has a startIndex. When played, it starts playing the music that corresponds to this index, (Change it to change the playing music)
items AudioType - List of musics


API Type required Default Description
music_id string - Music Id
name string - Music name
artist Artist[] - Music artists information
cover string , null - Music Cover
url string[] - Music urls
lyric string - Music lyric
shareUrl string - Music share url
timestamp number - Music create date
quality string - Music quality
from string - It specifies where the music should be played from. It could be from a specific page like the home page or an artist's page, a playlist, shuffle mode, or the respective album.
music_duration number - Music duration
mood string[] - Music moods list
genre string[] - Music genres list
tags string[] - Music tags list


API Type required Default Description
artist_name string - Artist name
artist_id string - Artist Id




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npm i mobin-ava-music-player

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