
2.9.1 • Public • Published

This package is now substituted by mongodb-repository-wmf.

Documentation for version 2 and version 1 that are now deprecated by version 3 (see):


mongodb-repository-wmf or mongodb-entities is a simple but powerfull MongoDB repository inspired to spring mongodb reactive repository and based on mongoose. It provides a simple way to perfom all CRUD operations and an encryptyon utility to encrypt and decrypt data from and to DB. mongodb-repository-wmf let you escape from all mongo-db connections troubles (like new connection opening or connection closing) or mongoose schema-loading steps, without override nothing of mongoose. You can use all mongoose power but you don't have to concerne about opening and closing connection and model loading. You only have to specify the connection string and the schema name in a new class, and without any other line of code you will perform all the CRUD operations in a mongoose way, and all the CRUD operation will be available for you. You can change your schema and your db connection string in any time.

Version 1

mongodb-repository-wmf provides two base repositories (with callback logic):

  1. BaseMongoRepository
  2. SecretMongoRepository

Version 2

The Promise logic is added in version 2, with two new promise based repositories:

  1. BaseMongoPromiseRepository
  2. SecretMongoPromiseRepository

What's new in version 2

In version 2 Promise based repositories can be used instead the old one (Callback based).
To do that use the Promise version of the repository ( in example getBaseMongoPromiseRepository instead BaseMongoRepository)

var GetBaseMongoPromiseRepository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository.getBaseMongoPromiseRepository();
class PersonRepository extends GetBaseMongoPromiseRepository {

And write code in the Promise sintax to execute the operation:

personRepository.insert(insertData).then( (ret) => {console.log("all ok")}).catch( (err) => {console.log("error")});

Instead of the old one:

personRepository.insert(insertData, (err, ret) => {
       return console.log("error in insert");
    return console.log("all ok");

Simple Usage (No encryption) ==> BaseMongoRepository

First step you have to create the new repository (a class) that rappresent your schema and set two parameters, nothing more.

var BaseMongoRepository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository.getBaseMongoRepository();
class PersonRepository extends BaseMongoRepository {
    constructor() {
        var data = {}
        data.dbName = 'mongodb://localhost/test'; // use your connection string
        data.schemaName = 'Person'; // schema Name

Note: you can send the dbName and the SchemaName in the constructor

Define your model and initialize mongodb-repository-wmf:

var repository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository;
var model = {
    Person: {
        firstName : String,
        secondName: String,
        otherInfo : {}
    /* other schemas*/
repository.setModel(model); // mongoose require the model loading

Insert a new Person in mongodb://localhost/test

var person = {
    firstName : "Marcus",
    secondName : "Fenix"
var insertData = {
    query: person
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.insert(insertData, (err, ret) => {
        // error
    // all ok

Update a Person

var person = {
    firstName : "Marcus",
    secondName : "Fenix"
var updateData = {}
updateData.query = person;
updateData.update = {
    firstName: "Adam"
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.update( updateData, (err, ret) => {
        // error
    // all ok 

Delete a Person

var person = {
    firstName : "Marcus",
    secondName : "Fenix"
var removeData = {}
removeData.query = person;
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.remove( removeData, (err, ret) => {
        // error
    // all ok 

Find a Person

var person = {
    firstName : "Marcus",
    secondName : "Fenix"
var findData = {}
findData.query = person;
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.find( findData, (err, ret) => {
        // error
    // all ok 

Find all Persons

var findAllData = { query: {} };
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.find( findAllData , (err, ret) => {
        // error
    // all ok 

Please remind that err and ret variables are returned by mongoose.

Encrypted Usage ==> SecretMongoRepository

First step you have to create the new repository (a class) that rappresent your schema and set two parameters, nothing more.

var SecretMongoRepository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository.SecretMongoRepository();
class SecretPersonRepository extends SecretMongoRepository {
    constructor() {
        var data = {}
        data.dbName = 'mongodb://localhost/test'; // use your connection string
        data.schemaName = 'SecretPerson'; // schema Name
        data.parameters = ["firstSecretInfo", "secondSecretInfo"]; // list of secret fields
        data.password = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" //your crypto key // if not present will be used 3zTvzr3p67VC61jmV54rIYu1545x4TlY

Define your model and initialize mongodb-repository-wmf:

var repository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository;
var model = {
    SecretPerson: {
        firstName : String,
        secondName: String,
        firstSecretInfo : String,
        secondSecretInfo : String,
        otherInfo : {}
    /* other schemas*/
repository.setModel(model); // mongoose require the model loading

You can perform all CRUD operation same as the previous example (BaseMongoRepository), but now in the DB you will have firstSecretInfo and secondSecretInfo encrypted.

Please note that the encryption is valid only for first level fields and must be String type, no field in otherInfo can be encrypted!


Promise Based Repository

var repository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository;
var GetBaseMongoPromiseRepository = repository.getBaseMongoPromiseRepository();
class PersonRepository extends GetBaseMongoPromiseRepository {
    constructor() {
        var data = {}
        data.dbName = 'mongodb://localhost/test'; // use your connection string
        data.schemaName = 'Person'; // schema Name
var model = {
    Person: {
        firstName : String,
        secondName: String,
        otherInfo : {}
var person = {
    firstName : "Marcus",
    secondName : "Fenix"
var insertData = {
    query: person
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.insert(insertData).then( (ret) => {console.log(ret)}).catch( (err) => {console.log(err)});

CallBack Based Repository

var repository = require('mongodb-repository-wmf').MongoRepository;
var BaseMongoRepository = repository.getBaseMongoRepository();
class PersonRepository extends BaseMongoRepository {
    constructor() {
        var data = {}
        data.dbName = 'mongodb://localhost/test'; // use your connection string
        data.schemaName = 'Person'; // schema Name
var model = {
    Person: {
        firstName : String,
        secondName: String,
        otherInfo : {}
var person = {
    firstName : "Marcus",
    secondName : "Fenix"
var insertData = {
    query: person
var personRepository = new PersonRepository();
personRepository.insert(insertData, (err, ret) => {
       return console.log("error in insert")
    console.log("all ok")

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