This is a little library built on top mongodb native nodejs driver.
The package exposes its own declaration files; you won't need to install any @types/* if you use typescript.
To install, use either yarn or npm:
yarn add mongodb-generic-dal
npm i mongodb-generic-dal
The module relies on env variables to connect to a mongodb instance:
- MONGODB_URL : any valid mongodb url -
- MONGODB_DB : the database to connect to
- MONGODB_DB_USR : username (if authentication is required)
- MONGODB_DB_PWD : password (if authentication is required)
Let's look at a code example
import * as GenericDal from "mongodb-generic-dal";
interface MyData {
_id?: ObjectId;
name: string;
value: number;
const letsCRUD = async () => {
const item = {
name: "Cool",
value: 1024
const id = await GenericDal.create<MyData>("mycollection", item);
const persistedItem = await GenericDal.getBy<MyData>("mycollection", { _id: id }, {});
const updatedItem = await GenericDal.createOrUpdate<MyData>("mycollection", { _id: id }, {
name: "Yolo",
value: 0
const isDeleted = await GenericDal.remove("mycollection", {_id: id});
Inserts a document in the specified collection. Returns the id of the document inserted.
const create = async <T>(
collectionName: string,
value: OptionalId<T>
): Promise<ObjectId | undefined>
Either creates a new document or updates an existing one, depending on the presence of term in the collection.
const createOrUpdate = async <T>(
collectionName: string,
term: object,
value: OptionalId<T>
): Promise<T | undefined>
Fetches all the documents in a collection.
const getAll = async <T>(
collectionName: string
): Promise<Array<T>>
Fetches documents in collection matching term. Items can be sorted using sort; a limited number of documents can be returned by specifying count.
const getBy = async <T>(
collectionName: string,
term: object,
sort: object,
count?: number
): Promise<Array<T>>
Removes all documents matching term in collection, then inserts values in the collection.
const clearAndCreateMany = async <T>(
collectionName: string,
term: object,
values: Array<OptionalId<T>>
): Promise<boolean>
Removes all documents in collection, then inserts values in the collection.
const clearAllAndCreateMany = async <T>(
collectionName: string,
values: Array<OptionalId<T>>
): Promise<boolean>
Removes the document matching term from the collection.
const remove = async <T>(
collectionName: string,
term: object
): Promise<boolean>