Starts all of the deployment types for testing by piping to mongo
var mongodb = require('mongodb-runner');
// Start a standalone, standalone with auth, replica set, and cluster
// process.env.DEBUG = 'mongodb*'; // uncomment me to get stdout from shell commands
if(err) return console.error('Uhoh...', err);
console.log('MongoDB deployments for testing ready!');
// do tests and stuff
// all processes started by runner will be SIGTERM'd when this process exits.
// start just a standalone
mongodb({port: 27018, dbpath: '/ebs/data/'+process.env.JOB_ID+'_standalone'}, function(err){
if(err) return console.error('Uhoh...', err);
console.log('Standalone ready on localhost:27018!');
// just a replicaset
mongodb('replicaset', {name: 'replicom', instances: 3, startPort: 6000}, function(err, res){
if(err) return console.error('Uhoh...', err);
console.log('replicaset ready!', res.uri);
npm install -g mongodb-runner
DEBUG=* mongodb-runner
Just uses the kernel's testing helpers:
'var opts = {shards: '+opts.shards+', chunkSize: 1, rs: {oplogSize: 10}, name: \''+opts.db+'\'};',
'var st = new ShardingTest(opts);',
'st.s.getDB(\''+opts.db+'\').adminCommand({enableSharding: \''+opts.db+'\'});',
'st.s.getDB(\''+opts.db+'\').adminCommand({shardCollection: \''+opts.ns+'\', key: {_id: 1 }});',
shell('var opts = {name: \'''\', nodes: '+opts.instances+', useHostName: false, startPort: '+opts.startPort+'};',
'var rs = new ReplSetTest(opts);',
'rs.startSet();', 'rs.initiate();',
- [x] use lone to prebake binaries and upload to releases
- [x] support auth
- [ ] HTTP control like mongodb-bridge
- [ ] Use -version-manager to prepare env, add to travis, add ci gulp task
- [ ] option for version, integrated with -version-manager
- [ ] integrate @imlucas/mongodb-bridge fully as a option
bridge: true
. make mongodb-bridge capable of reconfiguring automatically per kristina's example