mongoose-dummy 1.0.8
mongoose-dummy is an automatic dummy object generator for mongoose using only the schema definition built for Node.js.
Latest release:
npm install mongoose-dummy
dummy(model, opts)
Generates dummy object from model
: Mongoose schema objectopts
: Generation options, where the options are in the following format:
ignore: Array autoDetect: Boolean applyFilter: Boolean returnDate: Boolean custom: email: String Array Object phone: String Array Object password: String Array Object
Option | Type | Usage |
ignore | Array | It can contains string paths or RegExp of fields to ignore during generation |
autoDetect | Boolean | Attempt to detect e-mail, phone, or password and generate corresponding random data, defaults to true |
applyFilter | Boolean | Apply lowercase, uppercase, and trim filters on generated object if defined in the path |
returnDate | Boolean | Weather to return dates as Date or String |
custom | Object | Special generator for specified fields | | String, Array, or Object | String (field to generate a random e-mails), Array of Strings (fields to generate a random e-mail), or Object {field: String or Array of String, value: Function (custom generator function)} | | String, Array, or Object | String (field to generate a random phones), Array of Strings (fields to generate a random phone), or Object {field: String or Array of String, value: Function (custom generator function)} |
custom.password | String, Array, or Object | String (field to generate a random passwords), Array of Strings (fields to generate a random password), or Object {field: String or Array of String, value: Function (custom generator function)} |
force | Object | paths to set it to certain values |
Helper function to extract all paths definition from model.
Usage Example
const mongoose = ;const dummy = ;const ignoredFields = '_id''created_at' '__v' /detail.*_info/;let genderValues = 'Male' 'Female'let schemaDefinition = name: type: String required: true lowercase: true trim: true email: type: String birth_date: type: Date gender: type: String enum: genderValues data: type: Object default: null results: score: Number course: Number is_student: type: Boolean parent: type: mongooseSchemaTypesObjectId detail: main_info: String some_info: String none_match: String created_at: type: Date default: Datenow ;let model = mongoose;let randomObject = console; /* Result:{ "name": "lyda.renner84", "data": { "de_AT": { "name": "Josianne Bins", "email": "", "phone": "198.514.9229 x60299", "posts": [{ "words": "maxime quia sit", "sentence": "Fuga vel in architecto ut modi sequi aliquam debitis.", "sentences": "Reprehenderit ratione consequuntu.." }, { "words": "dignissimos qui qui", "sentence": "Eveniet est unde quis sit et ab.", "sentences": "Sit eos quaerat aut quisquam unde..", "paragraph": "Quasi et numquam cumque neque rerum aliquam ullam.." }], "address": { "geo": { "lat": "25.9144", "lng": "6.0991" }, "city": "Amaraville", "state": "Indiana", "streetA": "O'Conner Prairie", "streetB": "5722 Shane Grove", "streetC": "8040 Hane Roads Suite 402", "streetD": "Apt. 816", "country": "Kenya", "zipcode": "74052" }, "website": "", "company": { "bs": "cross-platform facilitate deliverables", "name": "Morissette LLC", "catchPhrase": "Self-enabling intangible methodology" }, "username": "Emanuel.Botsford37", "accountHistory": [{ "amount": "473.69", "date": "2012-02-01T22:00:00.000Z", "business": "Lang, Hudson and Heller", "name": "Savings Account 3906", "type": "invoice", "account": "60253551" }, { "amount": "824.69", "date": "2012-02-01T22:00:00.000Z", "business": "Rice - Price", "name": "Credit Card Account 8924", "type": "withdrawal", "account": "62599733" }] } } }, "email": "", "gender": "Male", "parent": "59d0ff689b95b02fec446c55", "results": [{ "score": 61, "course": 51 }, { "score": 38, "course": 63 }], "birth_date": "2017-09-30T14:57:01.279Z", "is_student": true, "detail": { "none_match": "Wade_Robel" }}*/
To run the test cases use npm test
Licensed under MIT
Feel free to Contact us and improve the code.