
0.0.4 • Public • Published

#Mongoose express autoinit

This package help you to initialize mongoose and load models, with on click with express 4.

It add all necessary code to manage mongoose:

  • initialize it
  • auto load models from yours models directory
  • add basic events
  • print startup info in console

#Initialize the components

in your app.js file

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongoAutoInit = require('mongoose-express-autoinit');

... your app code here

var mongoConfig = {
	connection: "http://localhost:27017/mycollection",
	models: "./models"

mongoAutoInit.start(app, mongoConfig, mongoose); // this is important!!

mongoose params is optionals, so the library check if is passed and initilize it if not found returning mongoose object

#initialize without mongoose

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var mongoAutoInit = require('mongoose-express-autoinit');

... your app code here

var mongoConfig = {
	connection: "http://localhost:27017/mycollection",
	models: "./models"

var mongoose = mongoAutoInit.start(app, mongoConfig); // this is important!!

#Working with models

The component search in models folder and autoload all models by file.

The models name is the filename.

A simple example for user, ./models/users.js

module.exports = function (mongoose,app) {

 var schema = new mongoose.Schema({
 		  username : String,
 		  password: String,

 return schema;

Now we have a user models and we can call it in controller/middleware

var User = mongoose.model('user');

#TIPS if you init componentw without pass mongoose, it initialize it for you and return mongoose. It add mongoose as a app variable. So now if you have app, you can get mongoose and models

function resetPassword(req, res) {

 var app =
        , mongoose = app.get('mongoose')
        , Users = mongoose.model('users');


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