2-way friendship relationship plugin for Mongoose ODM
npm install mongoose-friends
Description and usage
Easily add "friendships" to your Mongoose user Model through a simple plugin. The friendships are stored in a sub-document array on the model doc without the need for a separate collection.
Just include the plugin in the schema definition:
var friends = require("mongoose-friends")
var schema = new mongoose.Schema({ ... })
// optionally specify a name for the path (default is "friends")
schema.plugin(friends({pathName: "myCustomPath"}));
var User = mongoose.model("User", schema);
Initiate a friend request via the requestFriend
User.requestFriend(user1._id, user2._id, callback);
The two users now share a friendship, with different statuses: "requested" and "pending", respectively.
User.getFriends(user1, function (err, friendships) {
// friendships looks like:
// [{status: "requested", added: <Date added>, friend: user2}]
User.getFriends(user2, function (err, friendships) {
// friendships looks like:
// [{status: "pending", added: <Date added>, friend: user1}]
To accept, just reciprocate the request:
User.requestFriend(user2._id, user1._id, callback);
The two users are now friends:
User.getFriends(user1, function (err, friendships) {
// friendships looks like:
// [{status: "accepted", added: <Date added>, friend: user2}]
User.getFriends(user2, function (err, friendships) {
// friendships looks like:
// [{status: "accepted", added: <Date added>, friend: user1}]
To remove a friendship at any point in the process, just:
User.removeFriend(user1, user2, callback);
// or vice-versa
User.removeFriend(user2, user1, callback);
All the static methods have instance variants:
user.getFriends(options, cb);
user.requestFriend(otheruser, cb);
user.removeFriend(badfriend, cb);
Retrieving friends
is the interface to retrieve friends for a user. It sits on
top of the normal Mongoose find
API and has the same signature, he only
exception that the first argument is a model (or the id of a model) that
you're querying for. This means you can pass along field selects, sorts
limits, etc.
// the signature
User.getFriends(user, conditions, select, options, callback);
For example to find only friends whose names start with "Bo" you could:
User.getFriends(user, {name: /^Bo/}, cb);
To select only the name field you might:
User.getFriends(user, {}, {name: 1}, cb);
Or to sort by user name you might:
User.getFriends(user, {}, null, {sort: {name: 1}}, cb);
Friendships of different statuses can be queried in this manner:
// get the pending friendships for a user (given that the pathname
// for the friends array is left the default, "friends")
var Status = require("mongoose-friends").Status;
User.getFriends(user, {"friends.status": Status.Pending}, cb);
... but for convenience purposes they can also be retrieved through provided convenience methods:
// with instance method versions provided for each
The callback return value of getFriends
is an array of friends, wrapped
with the friendship metadata for the given user, like:
// One of pending|accepted|requested where:
// pending: received, but not yet accepted
// requested: sent, but not yet accepted by other party
// accepted: accepted by both parties
status: "accepted",
// The date the friendship request was first *created* (NOT accepted)
added: <the date added>,
// The remote friend doc, fields filtered by any passed field select,
// sorted by any passed sort, etc.
friend: <the friend doc>
The bare-metal nature of how .getFriends
sits atop of Model.find
encourage one to simply circumvent it entirely and use Model.find
This is of course acceptable, but a few things should be noted. When querying
for friends with a given status with .getFriends
, the status is actually
reversed in the query. This makes sense when considering how friendships
are stored and queried. If you're looking for the "requested" friendships of
user A, you're actually looking for all "pending" friendships that other users
have with user A.
makes this transparent, and furthermore, it does not even return
the friends data of the docs it queries. Rather it queries on the friends
data, then maps the metadata of the friendships for the user in question on the
results. This means that the friends
field is actually unselected by default
and not returned. Essentially the process is:
- Find friends of user, not including their friendships
- Retrieve the user, including their friendships
- Map the user's friendship metadata for each found friend onto the result
By default, the plugin will add a multikey index on the friends array.
If you do not want this behavior for whatever reason, just pass
index: false
to the plugin options, like:
schema.plugin(friends({index: false}));
- Add "favorite" friend functionality