Mongoose RESTful CRUD
TODO: @jsdoc:
mongoose-restfull-crud is a simple express middleware to create a JSON API for Mongoose models. As a middleware it can be nested with other middlewares and it's very customizable (and extensible).
npm install --save mongoose-restfull-crud
3 Steps:
1. Create your Mongoose model
Something starting with:
// Sample models/organization.js file 'use strict'; const mongoose = ;const Schema = mongooseSchema; const schema = name: type: String required: 'Organization name is required.' created: type: Date default: Datenow ;const Model = mongoose; moduleexports = Model;
2. Creat a controller using the follwing pattern
// Sample controller/organization.js file'use strict'; const express = ;const router = express;const Model = ; const options = // select: {} // filter: {} // sort: { _id: 'asc' } // page: 1 // perPage: 20 // population: null; const crud = Model options; router;router;router;router;router; moduleexports = router;
3. Add the routes to your express app
Don't forget to add body-parser to get JSON response.
// Sample ./app.js file'use strict'; const express = ;const bodyParser = ;const app = ; ; app;app; moduleexports = app;
Then start the server as you like.
CRUD options
TODO: Explain how to use options.
TODO: Explain how to extend.
Bulk Post
TODO: Explain post using bulk.
JSON return
TODO: Details, details.
"_id": "57b51b95825a1d6354638c17" "name": "My boy" "__v": 0 "created": "2016-08-18T02:21:09.794Z"
"page": 1 "pages": 1 "perPage": 20 "totalCount": 5 "results": "_id": "57b51b95825a1d6354638c17" "name": "My boy" "__v": 0 "created": "2016-08-18T02:21:09.794Z" "_id": "57b51c45f0d98dcf54603294" "name": "My boy" "__v": 0 "created": "2016-08-18T02:24:05.146Z" "_id": "57b51ca8528e550355c326c2" "name": "My boy" "__v": 0 "created": "2016-08-18T02:25:44.713Z" "_id": "57b51eb68dde44ad5680d531" "name": "My boy" "__v": 0 "created": "2016-08-18T02:34:30.090Z" "_id": "57b51f2145096eed56cbba42" "name": "My boy again" "__v": 0 "created": "2016-08-18T02:36:17.721Z"
orPUT /api/MODEL_NAME/:id
Returns the object created/updated (as GET /api/MODEL_NAME/:id
or validation errors:
"errors": "name": "Organization name is required."
Returns a message:
"message": "Record removed"
"errors": "Record not found"
Filtering, sorting, changing pagination
TODO Explain.
cd examplenpm installnpm start
You have two models, people
and organization
. In this example you'll have
a http://localhost:3000 with the following endpoints:
GET /api/peoples
GET /api/peoples/:id
POST /api/peoples
PUT /api/peoples/:id
DELETE /api/peoples/:id
GET /api/organizations
GET /api/organizations/:id
POST /api/organizations
PUT /api/organizations/:id
DELETE /api/organizations/:id
You need to send requests using body and Content-Type: application/json
CURL examples:
# Organization GET curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: e12b3769-fb7a-eee5-9838-1fb0873fe322" "http://localhost:3000/api/organizations" # Organization GET One curl -X GET -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 2d6df4da-1096-8314-0401-5912748c2ec0" "http://localhost:3000/api/organizations/57b51b95825a1d6354638c17" # Organization POST curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 8063f2bd-001c-ef01-3c49-aa8f59d2ae8e" -d '{"name": "My Company"}' "http://localhost:3000/api/organizations" # Organization PUT curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: f9878eb1-84f9-8844-9da5-5c7731daaac5" -d '{"name": "My Company has changed"}' "http://localhost:3000/api/organizations/57b624f63a1b29aa0f4e0821" # Organization DELETE curl -X DELETE -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Cache-Control: no-cache" -H "Postman-Token: 8c8add52-2c61-9a28-47ed-262163579623" -d '{}' "http://localhost:3000/api/organizations/57b51b95825a1d6354638c17"