
0.4.0 • Public • Published


MongoSess is a Node.js module for handling session data, utilizing MongoDB for storage. Its main point of interest is that it can be used without frameworks; if you're looking for something to use with Express/Connect, there are better alternatives.


$ npm install mongosess


Note: All callbacks, except the one passed to MongoSess.connect( ), are the standard callback(err, result) style.

Callbacks for the instance methods (set, get, etc.) are all optional; if none is given, they return a promise.

MongoSess.connect( options, callback )

MongoSess.connect( ) establishes the connection. Takes an options object and a parameter-less callback to be called once the connection has been established. The options object has the form:

  // Name of database:
  db: 'example',
  // Name of collection. Optional; defaults to 'sessions'
  collection: 'sessionCollection',
  // One or more servers to connect to, and their options:
  servers: [{
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 10034,            // Optional, defaults to 27017
    opts: {                 // Optional as well.
      autoReconnect : false,
      poolSize : 200
  }, {
    host: 'hostX',
    post: portX
  // Authentication credentials, if necessary:
  auth: {
    user: 'foo',
    pass: 'bar'
  // Time in ms the data lives in the database. Defaults to two weeks.
  expires: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7

MongoSess.close( ) OR MongoSess.disconnect( )

Closes the previously opened database connection.

session = new MongoSess( request, response [, options ] )

Create a new session store for the current request and response. The new constructor is optional. You may pass in options relating to cookies; specifically, cookie name, keys for signing using Keygrip, and time in ms before the cookie expires. Setting expires to 0 causes the session cookie to be deleted when the browser is closed. See the example for more detail.

session.set( { key1: val1 [, key2: val2, ..., keyN, valN ] }, callback )

This sets the key(s) equal to value(s) for the session.

Note: trying to overwrite the _id field raises an error. You probably also want to leave the createdAt field alone, but MongoSess won't complain if you tamper with it.

session.get( [ key, ] callback )

Retrieves the value associated with the given key from the session data. If no key is given, gets the entire session.

session.del( key1, [ key2, ..., keyN, ] callback )

Deletes the provided keys and their values from the session data.

Note: As with set( ), trying to delete the _id field raises an error. It's probably also a good idea to leave the createdAt field alone, otherwise the session may persist in the database forever. That's probably not what you want to do.

session.end( callback )

Deletes the session from the database and deletes the user's cookies.

session.expire( )

Makes the tracking cookie session-only - that is, it gets deleted when the user closes their browser - when it had been previously set to expire at a later date. Note that this does not change the expiry date of the session in the database, as the user may choose to leave their browser open for lengthy periods of time.


var MongoSess = require('mongosess'),
    KeyGrip = require('keygrip'),
    http = require('http')
// Connect to MongoDb on port 12345 of localhost, using the 'example' database.
  db: 'example',
  servers: [{
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 12345
}, function () {
  // Create an http server listening on port 3000.
  var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
    // You can decorate like so:
    req.session = res.session = MongoSess(req, res, {
      cookieName: 'sessionCookie',  // Cookie name will be 'sessionCookie'
      keys: ['secret1', 'secret2'], // Keys to sign cookie with.
      expires: 0                    // Cookie will be deleted when the browser is closed.
    // Set some data.
    res.session.set({ name: 'john doe'}, function (err, result) {
      res.end('Your name is John Doe.')
     * Some time later...
    // Get some data, promise style.
      .then(function (name) {
        res.end('Hello, ' + name + '.')
     * Even later...
    // Delete data.
    res.session.del('name', function (err, deleted) {
      res.end('You no longer have a name.')
     * And eventually...
    // End the session.
    res.session.end(function (err, ended) {
  // Maybe close the connection when the server closes.
  server.on('close', MongoSess.close)
  // Alternatively: MongoSess.disconnect()


Inspired by isaacs/redsess and diversario/connect-mongostore.



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