Extensible REST API Generator
Monsoon allows for easy, extensible CRUD REST API generation using Express & Mongoose.
$ npm install monsoon
Monsoon requires both express
and mongoose
Quick Start
Using monsoon is easy. Let's assume you have a Schema called Product
. Your API router might look something like this:
var express = require('express')
, monsoon = require('monsoon')
, mongoose = require('mongoose')
, Product = mongoose.model('Product')
, app = module.exports = express();
// Resources
app.use( '/products', monsoon.router(Product).export() );
That's it! You now have routes in place for some of the more common REST operations.
Currently, Monsoon will generate the following routes & controllers. All various responses and the HTTP codes associated with them have been included.
METHOD /PATH (example)
Params: any URL parameters the method requires
Body: any URL parameters the method requires
Returns: ###
what the controller returns in the response body
Returns: 200
a JSON array of all documents in the collection
Returns: 500
an error string
Body: a JSON representation of the document to be created
Returns: 200
a JSON representation of the created document
Returns: 409
an error string
Returns: 500
an error string
GET /:id
Params: a 24-character Mongo ID
Returns: 200
a JSON representation of the document in the collection with the given ID
Returns: 404
Returns: 500
an error string
PUT /:id
Params: a 24-character Mongo ID
Body: a JSON representation of the updated document
Returns: 200
a JSON representation of the updated document
Returns: 404
Returns: 500
an error string
PATCH /:id
Params: a 24-character Mongo ID
Body: a JSON object containing the fields & values to update the document with
Returns: 200
a JSON representation of the updated document
Returns: 404
Returns: 500
an error string
Params: a 24-character Mongo ID
Returns: 204
Returns: 404
Returns: 500
an error string
Extending Monsoon Controllers
So you want to add some routes of your own to Monsoon's defaults? No problem, let's just change our API router to look something like this
var express = require('express')
, monsoon = require('monsoon')
, app = module.exports = express();
// Resources
app.use( '/products','./products') );
And create a products.js
file, which will look something like this:
var monsoon = require('monsoon')
, controller = module.exports = monsoon.controllers('Product');
// Custom Controllers
controllers.get('/status', function(req, res) {
status: 'online'
And there you have it. Define any routes you wish on the controllers
object just as you would an Express app (var app = express()
is common)
Additional Features
The following are known issues and will be addressed soon
- Multiple controller callbacks/middleware (
app.get('/path', middlewareFunction, function(req, res) { ... })
Contact & License Info
Author: Matthew Balmer
Twitter: @mattbalmer
License: MIT