
0.0.6 • Public • Published


Add your effects to your blocks 👾

Get started

Package is framework-agnostic and can be used in plain JavaScript projects.

To install package just write:

$ npm i mosaic-grid


This package allows you transform part of the image in some mosaic way.

Actually it can transform any block without children.

See an example here.

For this you should call mosaic function with options.

It is simple object with configuration properties:

interface MosaicOptions {
  /** Length of cell. By default, it is **20px**. */
  readonly cell?: number;
  /** Describes figure shift from grid center. */
  readonly shift: Shift;
  /** Defines size of figure relative to lowest side of a grid. */
  readonly range: Range;
  /** Width of grid. */
  readonly width?: number;
  /** Height of grid. */
  readonly height?: number;
  /** Function that is used to build figure. */
  readonly shape: Shape<Figure>;
   * Element in DOM from which _width_ and _height_
   * can be taken. If _width_, _height_ and _element_
   * are provided then first two arguments will take
   * precedence while calculating size.
  readonly element?: string | HTMLElement;
   * Classes that will be added randomly to cells that
   * will be covered by figure.
  readonly effects?: ReadonlyArray<string>;
   * Defines amount of cells in figure that will be
   * transformed with effects. It should be a number
   * from `0` to `1`. By default, it is equal to `1`.
  readonly density?: number;

You should provide at least four necessary properties: shift, range, shape and element. These properties are necessary to draw transformed block as grid and to know where we should insert transformed block. By default, size of block will be taken from provided element, but you can change it by providing width and height properties.

Package handles <img> element specially: it can take image source and gather the image from cells. Width of created block will be natural width of image and for height is the same behavior.

  • cell property defines dimension of single cell in grid. You can customize it as you need.

  • shape used to build shape of the area of a block that should be transformed.

  • shift parameter describes shift of the center of a circle from grid center. It is object with dx and dy properties that can be any number from -1 to 1.

  • range is abstract dimension of size of the figure. It can be any number from 0 to 1 for figures for equal sizes of sides such as circle or square. If figure hasn't equal sizes of sides, then you can pass object with x and y properties. They are ranges for x and y axis.

import { mosaic, circle } from 'mosaic-grid';

const img = document.querySelector('img');

  range: 0.4,
  element: img,
  shape: circle,
  shift: { dx: 0.7, dy: 0.5 },

At that time there are next figures available - circle, square and rectangle.

circle and square are symmetric figures. For them you can provide range as single value, otherwise x property will be used. For rectangle you can provide separate values for x and y areas.

After building mosaic on the page you need to import base styles for it. You can do it either via CSS with some preprocessor, like PostCSS, or if you use JavaScript bundlers, you can import style file directly in .js file:

import 'mosaic-grid/styles.css';

Word from author

Have fun! ✌️

Developed in Halo lab



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  • halolab