
1.3.0 • Public • Published

Mount Component

Binds Javascript- and React-Components to HTML-DOM elements, making them usable similar to WebComponents. A "component" can be any Javascript-Constructor or React-Components.

mount-component also takes care about initial props, passed to each component. Props can be defined directly on the mounting-tags in a form of data-attributes. Any available data-attribute will be passed to the component's constructor. It's also possible to pass larger chunks of JSON data, by placing them in dedicated script-tags below or on the mounting-node (see below).



<Slider data-show="3" data-content="{...}"></Slider>
<div class="grid" data-limit="12" data-offset="0" data-content="{...}"></div>
import {mountComponent} from 'mount-component';
// Mounts components to custom tags.
mountComponent('Slider', SliderComponent);
mountComponent('.grid', GridComponent);

Passing chunks of JSON-data

While it's possible to encode JSON into data-attributes and mount-component will actually handle decoding them for you. There are good reasons not to use attributes for larger data-structures. Instead mount-component recognizes dedicated JSON-blocks nested inside or on a mounting-tag.

Those Tags require to be script-tags with a type of "application/json" and an optional data-name-attribute set for naming the prop for the data. If you don't specify a data-name-attribute, the default prop-name will be data.


<MyComponent data-title="Hello World!">
    <script type="application/json" data-name="my-prop">
            "users": [
                {"name": "Jane", "age": 24},
                {"name": "John", "age": 21},
mountComponent('MyComponent', MyComponent);
// -> props: {
//      title: "Hello World",
//      myProp: {users: [ ... ]}
// }

There is also support for data-only Components, that don't have a visual aspect and therefor don't require to be mounted to a special DOM-element, but may need to be initialized with data from the DOM.

In that case, you can directly specify a script/Json tag as a mounting-element.

<script id="tracking" type="application/json">
        "tracking": {
mountComponent('#tracking', TrackingComponent);
// -> props: {
//      data: {tracking: { ... }}
// }


mountComponent(selector, component)

Mounts a single component to any elements matching selector.

selector: string Selector to convert into react-components. Can be everything that querySelector accepts. component: React.Component|string|function The (un-instantiated) React-Component, it's name or any non-react function(node: Element, props: Object).

registerComponent(selector, component)

Registers a component and it's selector globally.

selector: string Selector to convert into react-components. Can be everything that querySelector accepts. component: React.Component|string|function The (un-instantiated) React-Component, it's name or any non-react function(node: Element, props: Object).

function mountAll()

Mounts all registered components.



  • Constructor arguments on pure-JS components have been swapped, so that props come first.
  • The default Json-key has been changed from "json" to "data"
  • Script/Json-Tags can be mounted directly, without the need of an additional wrapper.
  • A JSON-tag's prop-name can now only be specified through the attribute data-name.



This project is licensed under the ISC License.

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  • oerdmann