mrun - A npm module for setting npm run properties to build/watch less and browserify code
A simple npm/terminal tool to set your package.json file to have scripts to build or watch less and browserify code. CSS will also be autoprefixed.
Following tools will be set as dependencies:
- autoprefixer
- wr
- watchify
- browserify
- less
Entry file for less and js should be app.{js,css}
npm install -g mrun
To see usage run: mrun -h
Usage: mrun [ "style directory" "browser code directory" "target directory" ]
(run in package root dir).
Update package.json file with run scripts text to build or watch
less and javascripts files. Entry file for less and js should be app.{js,css}
Argument overview:
Style directory: Where the less files are.
Browser code directory: Where the browserify compatible code resides.
Target directory: Where the compiled files are placed.
Without arguments the defaults are: [ 'style', 'browser', 'static' ]
To add default scripts (with style folder style
, js code from
and storing the compiled files to target
) run
the binary without arguments:
npm install mrun
var mrun = { iferr throw Errorerr; console; consoledirnewPackage;}; ; // Or with options:;