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0.0.2 • Public • Published


This is going to be a simple Framework, currently the slideshow and carousel are available.

How to install

For installing the component in an angular application you just have to run the following command and then you can simply use it:

    npm install mt-carousel

you also need to add @angular/platform-browser/animations to the imports in the app.module.ts like below

import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations";

imports: [BrowserModule, BrowserAnimationsModule],
declarations: [AppComponent, CarouselComponent],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]

for using this component, you can use the following syntax:

    <mt-carousel [carouselItems]="carouselItems" animationType="flip"></mt-carousel>

in which, the carouselItems is an array of carousels with the property of src set to the url of the image, and optional alt property, which can make the plugin more SEO friendly. The caption which will be shown on the picture and the link, which will be the target url when the carousel item is clicked.

this is a sample carouselItems object:

slides = [
    { src: "", alt: "Picture 1" ,link: "", caption: "Picture 1"},
{ src: "", alt: "Picture 2",link: "", caption: "Picture 2" },
{ src: "", alt: "Picture 3",link: "", caption: "Picture 3" }];

In the end, don't forget that you have to also add MtCarouselModule to the app.module.ts imports

imports: [
    ... ,

Further help

If you needed any help feel free to raise a new issue in the issues section. You are more than welcome to do so.

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  • masoudtahmasebi93