When you want to write a feature for Primo-Studio you will be using Angular Directives.
To learn more about directives see:
- Primo uses external directives from the Angular-material framework:
- The Primo Studio feature should be uploaded to npm. If you don't familiar with npm - please read at least one of the following tutorials:
Primo-Studio expect your package to be called the same as your component, and both suppose to include your-institution-code-then-your-component-name, e.g some-college-no-results-animated.
You can see in the example how we use :
- An HTML5 tag - header
- A Primo directive : prm-topbar , prm-search-bar.
- An external material design directive : md-progress-bar :
- When you want to add your own JavaScript functionality - you will need to create your own placeholder Directive that any one that installed your package can used by adding it to their project at the right place.
//////////////////TODO from here!!!!!!!!!
Point your package.json "main" field to your main module, which will export the component as an angular module.
In index.js
module.exports = 'myInstitutionComponent';
Then build your component as