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2.0.0 • Public • Published

Nativescript plugin for Adobe Experience Cloud Solution

npm version

npm install nativescript-adobe-experience-cloud --save

This plugin is based on Nativescript 7 and Adobe Experience Platform solution Get the Adobe Experience Platform SDK

Setting up the application for usage with this plugin.

Setup config.ts

Create a configuration file and place your ENVIRONMENT_ID from Adobe Experience platform.

import { AdobeAnalyticsSettings } from "nativescript-adobe-experience-cloud";

export const adobeExperienceSettings: AdobeAnalyticsSettings = {
    environmentId: 'Put your environment id here.',
    debug: true

Initialize SDK


import { AdobeAnalytics } from 'nativescript-adobe-experience-cloud';
import { adobeExperienceSettings } from '~/config'; 

class Application extends {

    public onCreate(): void {
        AdobeAnalytics.getInstance().initSdk(adobeExperienceSettings, this);

    public attachBaseContext(baseContext: android.content.Context) {


import { AdobeAnalytics } from 'nativescript-adobe-experience-cloud';
import { adobeExperienceSettings } from '~/config'; 

class MyDelegate extends UIResponder implements UIApplicationDelegate {
    public static ObjCProtocols = [UIApplicationDelegate];

    applicationDidFinishLaunchingWithOptions(application: UIApplication, launchOptions: NSDictionary<string, any>): boolean {
        AdobeAnalytics.getInstance().initSdk(adobeExperienceSettings, application);
        return true;
    ios.delegate = MyDelegate;

NOTE This plugin provides only initial set of extensions registered with Adobe Experience platform. For any additional extension fork this plugin and configure based on Mobile Property installation instructions.

Enable lifecycle tracking


With onResume function start Lifecycle data collection:

import {AdobeAnalytics} from "nativescript-adobe-experience-cloud";

public onResume() : void {

Use onPause function to pause collection Lifecycle data:

public onPause() : void {


Start collection Lifecycle data is part of plugin implementation called during initialization of SDK.

When application is resuming from background state, you need to resume collection of Lifecycle data:

applicationWillEnterForeground(application: UIApplication){

When the app enters the background, pause collecting Lifecycle data:

applicationDidEnterBackground(application: UIApplication): void {

Track states and actions

States and actions can be traced through method calls that match their native counterparts signature.

Privacy options


Select a privacy option:

Send Data Until Opt-Out


Hold Data Until Opt-In


Development setup

For easier development and debugging purposes continue with the following steps:

  1. Open a command prompt/terminal, navigate to src folder and run npm run demo.ios or npm run to run the demo.
  2. Open another command prompt/terminal, navigate to src folder and run npm run plugin.tscwatch to watch for file changes in your plugin.

Now go and make a change to your plugin. It will be automatically applied to the demo project.

NOTE: If you need to use a native library in your plugin or do some changes in Info.plist/AndroidManifest.xml, these cannot be applied to the demo project only by npm link. In such scenario, you need to use tns plugin add ../src from the demo so that the native libraries and changes in the above-mentioned files are applied in the demo. Then you can link again the code of your plugin in the demo by using npm run from the src.

Linking to CocoaPod or Android Arsenal plugins

You will want to create these folders and files in the src folder in order to use native APIs:

platforms --
  ios --
  android --

Doing so will open up those native apis to your plugin :)

Take a look at these existing plugins for how that can be done very simply:

Clean plugin and demo files

Sometimes you may need to wipe away the node_modules and demo/platforms folders to reinstall them fresh.

  • Run npm run clean to wipe those clean then you can can run npm i to install fresh dependencies.

Sometimes you just need to wipe out the demo's platforms directory only:

  • Run npm run demo.reset to delete the demo's platforms directory only.

Sometimes you may need to ensure plugin files are updated in the demo:

  • Run npm run plugin.prepare will do a fresh build of the plugin then remove itself from the demo and add it back for assurance.


The plugin seed automatically adds Jasmine-based unittest support to your plugin. Open demo/app/tests/tests.js and adjust its contents so the tests become meaningful in the context of your plugin and its features.

You can read more about this topic here.

Once you're ready to test your plugin's API go to src folder and execute one of these commands:

npm run test.ios
npm run

Publish to NPM

When you have everything ready to publish:

  • Bump the version number in src/package.json
  • Go to publish and execute (run chmod +x *.sh if the file isn't executable)

If you just want to create a package, go to publish folder and execute The package will be created in publish/package folder.

NOTE: To run bash script on Windows you can install GIT SCM and use Git Bash.


The plugin structure comes with a fully functional .travis.yml file that deploys the testing app on Android emulator and iOS simulator and as a subsequent step runs the tests from UnitTesting section. All you have to do, after cloning the repo and implementing your plugin and tests, is to sign up at Then enable your plugin's repo on "<your github user>" and that's it. Next time a PR is opened or change is committed to a branch TravisCI will trigger a build testing the code.

To properly show current build status you will have to edit the badge at the start of the file so it matches your repo, user and branch.

Referring tns-core-modules in the Plugin

We recommend to use full imports of tns-core-modules due to an issue in Angular CLI. Read more detailed explanation in this discussion.

Ultimately after the issue in Angular CLI is fixed this would not be a restriction, but till then the recommended approach is to import from tns-core-modules using full path. Here is an example:




"paths": {
  "*": [


import * as app from 'application';



import * as app from 'tns-core-modules/application';

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  • natasa