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5.2.7 • Public • Published

STORM React Diagrams

PSA: React Diagrams is currently getting a bit of a rewrite to enable much more advanced features. To see the new foundation WIP visit https://github.com/projectstorm/react-canvas.

DEMO: http://projectstorm.cloud/react-diagrams

DOCS: https://projectstorm.gitbooks.io/react-diagrams

RELEASE NOTES : http://dylanv.blog/2018/03/03/storm-react-diagrams-5-0-0/

A super simple, no-nonsense diagramming library written in React that just works.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/projectstorm/react-diagrams NPM NPM Package Quality CircleCI

Example implementation using custom models: Personal Project Get started with the default models right out of the box:


A no-nonsense diagramming library written entirely in React with the help of a few small libraries. It aims to be:

  • Simple, and void of any fuss/complications when implementing it into your own application
  • Customizable without having to hack the core (adapters/factories etc..)
  • Simple to operate and understand without sugar and magic
  • Fast and optimized to handle large diagrams with hundreds of nodes/links
  • Super easy to use, and should work as you expect it to
  • Perfect for creating declarative systems such as programmatic pipelines and visual programming languages

Run the demos

After running yarn install you must then run: yarn run storybook

Building from source

Simply run webpack in the root directory (or export NODE_ENV=production && webpack if you want a production build) and it will spit out the transpiled code and typescript definitions into the dist directory as a single file.
We use webpack for this because TSC cannot compile a single UMD file (TSC can currently only output multiple UMD files).

Checkout the docs

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  • nberktumer