
2.5.3 • Public • Published


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This package provides a convenient way to launch a subprocess with environment variables populated from Vault.

How it works?

This tool fetches specified secrets then run your app with environment variables that contain secrets. Also, propagate received signals to subprocess.

Getting started.

For Windows users only ;)

Generally you can also try to execute steps below w/o use of Docker but do it on your own risk.

  1. Install Docker
  2. docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/codebase node:8 bash
  3. cd codebase/

Add secrets to Vault

  1. Vault install hashi-corp-vault

  2. Configure Vault CLI We need to setup following environment variable:

    export VAULT_ADDR=
  3. Run command to sign in into Vault server

    vault auth -method=ldap username=<your_AD_username>

    Input your AD password then

    Expected response looks like this

    Success! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed below
    is already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"
    again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.
    Key                    Value
    ---                    -----
    token                  <token>
    token_accessor         <token>
    token_duration         768h
    token_renewable        true
    token_policies         [default <roles>]
    token_meta_policies    default,<team>
    token_meta_username    <your_username>
  4. Add secret to the vault.

      $  vault write secret/data password=pass**123 login=jack_sparrow
      Success! Data written to: secret/data

Install & configure nc-vault-env

  1. Install npm package NPM Package: nc-vault-env nc-vault-env written in nodejs, so you need to install suitable versions. It currently has been tested with 6.x and 8.x.

    npm install -g nc-vault-env
  2. Create config.json In working directory you create config.json file

      "vault": {
        "address": "<%= env('VAULT_ADDR') %>",
        "auth": {
          "type": "token",
          "config": {
              "token": "<%= env('VAULT_TOKEN') %>"
      "secrets": [
          "path": "secret/data",
          "format": "MY_ENV_<%= key %>",
          "upcase": true
  3. Export Vault auth token to env variable

    $ export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token)
  4. Run command

    $ nc-vault-env -c ./config.json -- printenv

    WARNING: This command working on linux, ubuntu and macOS only.

Integrate with your application

  1. For correct work in dockerfile you need add following lines:

      RUN apt-get update \
            && apt-get install -y build-essential curl \
            && curl -sL | bash - \
            && apt-get install -y nodejs \
            && npm install -g nc-vault-env \
            && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
      COPY vault-env.conf.json .
      CMD ["nc-vault-env", "-c", "./vault-env.conf.json", "--", "./<your_start_script>.sh"]



option description
-c, --config path to configuration file.
-v, --verbosity verbosity level. Supported "error", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace". Default is "info".
-f, --log-format logging format. Supported "json" and "text". Default is "json".

Dummy mode

When you just want to skip secrets fetching and just run app/script without them we may use dummy mode. Just pass env variable VAULTENV_DUMMY=true, bash example:

VAULTENV_DUMMY=true nc-vault-env -c ./vault-env.conf.json -- ./<your_start_script>.sh

Configuration File API

Configuration files are written in json.

  // This denotes the start of the configuration section for Vault.
  "vault": {
    // This is the address of the Vault. The protocol (http(s)) portion
    // of the address is required.
    // Like this:
    "address": "<%= env('VAULT_ADDR') %>",

    // This part related to authentication configuration
    "auth": {

      // Supported auth types:
      // * token - see
      // * iam - see
      // * appRole - see
      "type": "token",
      "mount": "<%= env('VAULT_AWS_AUTH_MOUNT') %>",

      // Auth backend configuration

      // token:
      // It can be suitable to debugging locally
      // "config": {
      //   "token": "<%= env('VAULT_TOKEN') %>"
      // }

      // iam:
      // It is preferred way to run within aws
      // "config": {
      //  "role": "my_awesome_api",
      //  "iam_server_id_header_value": "<%= env('VAULT_ADDR') %>"
      // }

      // appRole:
      // "config": {
      //  "role_id": "b2a7cfb9-d09a-49c4-9e9a-24127c6dbbf6"
      // }

      "config": {
        // ...

  // This specifies a secret in Vault to fetch.
  "secrets": [
    // * key templating
    // secret like this:
    // {
    //   "username": "awesome",
    //   "password: "securePa$$word"
    // }
    // should produce multiple environment variables like this:
    // RMQ_USERNAME="awesome"
    // RMQ_PASSWORD="securePa$$word"
    // Note that names will be uppercased.
      "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/rmq",
      "format": "RMQ_<%= key %>",

      // This tells vault-env to convert environment variable keys to uppercase (which is more common and a bit more standard).
      // optional, by default is true
      "upcase": true
    // Another behaviour:
    // * value templating
    // secret like this:
    // {
    //   "username": "awesome",
    //   "password: "securePa$$word"
    // }
    // should produce environment variable like this:
    // ConnectionString="user id=awesome;password=securePa$$word"
      // path to secret
      "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/mssql",
      // value template
      "format": "user id=<%= username %>;password=<%= password %>",
      // env variable to populate
      "key": "ConnectionString"
    // Another behaviour:
    // * value templating with folders
    // secrets like this:
    //  /shared
    // path: secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/shared/mssql
    // {
    //   "username": "awesome",
    //   "password: "securePa$$word"
    // }
    // path: secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/shared/rmq
    // {
    //   "username": "awesome2",
    //   "password: "!securePa$$word"
    // }
    //  /local
    // path: secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/local/newrelic
    // {
    //   "apikey": "awesomesecurePa$$word"
    // }
    // should produce environment variables based on content of the "shared" and "local"
    // result will be like this:
    // MSSQL:USERNAME="awesome"
    // MSSQL:PASSWORD="securePa$$word"
    // RMQ:USERNAME="awesome2"
    // RMQ:PASSWORD="!securePa$$word"
    // NEWRELIC:APIKEY="awesomesecurePa$$word"
      // path to secret
      "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/shared",
      // env name template
      "format": "<%= folder %>:<%= key %>",
      "upcase": true,
      // fetch folders and pass them to value templating
      "folder": true
      // and so on
      "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/local",
      "format": "<%= folder %>:<%= key %>",
      "upcase": true,
      "folder": true


Templating based on Lodash template function.

Predefined functions:

fn description usage
env provides access to environment variables. <%= env('VAULT_ADDR') %>


For debugging purpose you can run this locally using you vault token (token auth backend). This way assumes that you have access to all of your app's secrets.

Please be aware that debug or trace log level prints secret to stdout, so be careful with enable this level on real environment.

cat config.json
# {
#   "vault": {
#     "address": "<%= env('VAULT_ADDR') %>",
#     "auth": {
#       "type": "token",
#       "config": {
#         "token": "<%= env('VAULT_TOKEN') %>"
#       }
#     }
#   },
#   ...
# }
export VAULT_ADDR=
export VAULT_TOKEN=$(cat ~/.vault-token)
nc-vault-env -c config.json -f text -v trace --


Add multiple items in value

  1. For adding multiple values in vault
      $ vault write secret/data foo=world excited=yes count=1
      Success! Data written to: secret/data
  2. Secret was added to /secret/data in format:
        "foo": "world",
        "excited": "yes",

Auth section for AWS using

  • Use following code for authorization with Amazon Web Services
        "auth": {
              "type": "iam",
              "mount": "<%= env('<VAULT_AWS_AUTH_MOUNT>') %>",
              "config": {
                "role": "<%= env('VAULT_ROLE') %>",
                "iam_server_id_header_value": "<%= env('VAULT_ADDR') %>"

Secret format for the mysql connection string

  • For passing connection string from the secrets use following secret configuration:
          "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/mysql/creds/rw",
          "format": "server=<%= env('DATABASE_HOST') %>;port=<%= env('DATABASE_PORT') %>;database=<%= env('DATABASE_NAME') %>;uid=<%= username %>;pwd=<%= password %>",
          "key": "ConnectionString",
          "upcase": false

Secret format for ASP.NET Core configuration class

  1. If you have configuration class:
      public class MyConfiguration
        public string Secret1 {get;set;}
        public string Secret2 {get;set;}
  2. You add secrets with following name:
      $ vault write secret/data test=12 Secret1=secret Secret2=true
      Success! Data written to: secret/data
  3. And create secret config section in config.json:
        "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/config",
        "format": "<%= key %>",
        "upcase": false
  4. All configuration will be passed as environment variables.

Nested classes

  1. If you have nested configuration class:
      public class MyConfiguration
        public ItemClass Item { get; set; }
      public class ItemClass
        public string SubItem { get; set; }
  2. And create secret config section:
        "path": "secret/my_awesome_team_namespace/<%= env('ENVIRONMENT') %>/config",
        "format": "<%= value %>",
        "key": "item__subitem",
        "upcase": false




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