
1.6.0 • Public • Published

Node.js Client for nextcloud talk API

To be used in an iobroker adapter

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1.6.0 (2023-02-23)

  • (Jochen Gerster) Added GetVersion function

1.5.0 (2023-02-23)

  • (Jochen Gerster) Added vhost support

1.4.0 (2021-01-07)

  • (Jochen Gerster) Added support for filesharing in messages

1.3.0 (2021-12-04)

  • (Jochen Gerster) Bugfix nextcloud talk http status code is evaluated to handle error cases with http request status OK, for example http status code 502

1.2.0 (2021-12-02)

  • (Jochen Gerster) Fixing eslint findings
  • (Jochen Gerster) Added debug logging to the nctalkconversation
  • (Jochen Gerster) Bugfix for spurious and wrong WaitMessage request Callback calls

1.1.0 (2021-11-22)

  • (Jochen Gerster) First release

Test / How to use

Idea is to create a smarthome / bot user in your nextcloud instance and administrate there the different rooms. All type of rooms will be shown in the listofrooms of the onReady event. Select the one to be used for the test. Make sure the room is "readOnly: 0". Adjust your server url, user, password and port.

const https = require("https");
const http = require("http");

const NextcloudTalk = require("nctalkclient");

// Use for test purposes - test server with self signed certs...
//process.env["NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED"] = 0;

const Talk = new NextcloudTalk({
  server: private.talkcredentials.server,
  user: private.talkcredentials.user,
  pass: private.talkcredentials.pass,
  port: private.talkcredentials.port,
  debug: true


// Talk client is ready and has fetched all required information / data to handle conversations
Talk.on("Ready", (listofrooms) => {

  // show all details about all rooms of the user

  let testroom_index = 2;
  console.log("Talk is ready make " + listofrooms[testroom_index].token + " active");
  Talk.RoomListenMode(listofrooms[testroom_index].token, true);
  Talk.SendMessage(listofrooms[testroom_index].token, "OnReady Test Nachricht");

    // Only receives Messages from the conversation with token
    Talk.on("Message_" + listofrooms[testroom_index].token, (msg) => {
      // msg is an array, usually with the length one, in the test we just take the first...
      if (msg[0].actorId.toLowerCase() == Talk.GetOwnActorIdLowerCase()) {
        console.log("OWN MESSAGEEVENT " + msg[0].message);
      else {
        console.log("MESSAGEEVENT " + msg[0].message);
        if (msg[0].message == "time") {
          Talk.SendMessage(msg[0].token, new Date().toLocaleString());
        if (msg[0].message == "test") {
          Talk.SendMessage(msg[0].token, "test reply");

  Talk.ShareFile(listofrooms[2].token, "/talk/test123.jpg");


// Error
Talk.on("Error", (e) => {
  console.log("Error Event ", e);

// Debug
Talk.on("Debug", (e) => {
  console.log("Debug Event ", e);

listofrooms array example

Get Rooms
    id: 11,
    token: '#####',
    type: 4,
    name: 'smartHome',
    displayName: 'Talk updates ✅',
    objectType: '',
    objectId: '',
    participantType: 3,
    participantFlags: 0,
    readOnly: 1,
    hasPassword: false,
    hasCall: false,
    canStartCall: true,
    lastActivity: 1613668924,
    lastReadMessage: 303,
    unreadMessages: 0,
    unreadMention: false,
    isFavorite: false,
    canLeaveConversation: true,
    canDeleteConversation: false,
    notificationLevel: 2,
    lobbyState: 0,
    lobbyTimer: 0,
    lastPing: 1636411357,
    sessionId: '0',
    guestList: '',
    lastMessage: {
      id: 303,
      token: '######',
      actorType: 'bots',
      actorId: 'changelog',
      actorDisplayName: 'Talk updates ✅',
      timestamp: 1613668924,
      message: '- You can now change your camera and microphone while being in a call',
      messageParameters: [],
      systemMessage: '',
      messageType: 'comment',
      isReplyable: false,
      referenceId: ''
    id: 13,
    token: '####',
    type: 2,
    name: 'SmartHome',
    displayName: 'SmartHome',
    objectType: '',
    objectId: '',
    participantType: 1,
    participantFlags: 0,
    readOnly: 0,
    hasPassword: false,
    hasCall: false,
    canStartCall: true,
    lastActivity: 1636543411,
    lastReadMessage: 4949,
    unreadMessages: 0,
    unreadMention: false,
    isFavorite: false,
    canLeaveConversation: true,
    canDeleteConversation: true,
    notificationLevel: 2,
    lobbyState: 0,
    lobbyTimer: 0,
    lastPing: 1636489404,
    sessionId: '0',
    guestList: '',
    lastMessage: {
      id: 4949,
      token: '#####',
      actorType: 'users',
      actorId: 'smartHome',
      actorDisplayName: 'smartHome',
      timestamp: 1636543411,
      message: 'Klingel ist aus',
      messageParameters: [],
      systemMessage: '',
      messageType: 'comment',
      isReplyable: true,
      referenceId: ''
    id: 12,
    token: '######',
    type: 1,
    name: 'name',
    displayName: 'name',
    objectType: '',
    objectId: '',
    participantType: 1,
    participantFlags: 0,
    readOnly: 0,
    hasPassword: false,
    hasCall: false,
    canStartCall: true,
    lastActivity: 355434,
    lastReadMessage: 33443,
    unreadMessages: 0,
    unreadMention: false,
    isFavorite: false,
    canLeaveConversation: true,
    canDeleteConversation: false,
    notificationLevel: 1,
    lobbyState: 0,
    lobbyTimer: 0,
    lastPing: 1636488989,
    sessionId: '0',
    guestList: '',
    lastMessage: {
      id: 5056,
      token: '#####',
      actorType: 'users',
      actorId: 'smartHome',
      actorDisplayName: 'smartHome',
      timestamp: 1636703054,
      message: 'Haustuer:(12708) [s] detected:car:99% person:98%  PIR\n' +
      messageParameters: [],
      systemMessage: '',
      messageType: 'comment',
      isReplyable: true,
      referenceId: ''

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  • jjqoie