is a utility that analyzes your Node.js project's source code to extract the necessary dependencies and files required for deployment and emits these files to a designed node_modules directory that can be used for the deployment. Ndepe
can simplify the deployment flow and greatly reduce the size of the deployment package.
- Efficient File Extraction and Size Reduction: Automatically detects and extracts only the files required by your project,generate to designed, production-ready node_modules directory, significantly reducing deployment package size. It can be used with some popular Node.js frameworks such as Express, Koa and NestJS e.g..
- Monorepo Tool Agnostic: Compatible with any monorepo tool (e.g., pnpm, Rush, Nx, Turborepo) and offers faster deployment compared to deployment capability of monorepo tools.
- Rich Configuration and Extensibility: Supports customizable file inclusion rules, cache configuration, and other extensible options to meet diverse project needs.
import { nodeDepEmit } from 'ndepe'
appDir: appDirectory,
serverRootDir: outputDirectory,