Nearest Color Shade
Snaps a CSS color value to a set of brand colours and identifies the required tint (added white) or shade (added black) to achieve the best match.
npm install -g nearest-color-shade
From the command line:
$ nearest-color-shade "#ff0000"
{ color: '$ca-palette-coral', tint: 0.3 }
In Node:
var nearest = ;var Color = ;var colors = brandRed: brandGreen: brandBlue: ; ;// => { color: 'brandRed', tint: 0.5 }
Out of the box, nearest-color-shade's command line interface is configured with Culture Amp's brand colors, but you can override this with a nearest-color.json in your home directory.
Why does this exist?
Culture Amp Front End engineers often receive designs with exact color values, but our style guide requires that these be implemented as a pure brand color plus a percentage of white or black.
This tool makes it easy to identify the intended implementation for a specified output color.