Nest view is a module created to make easy data manipulation inside an application based on NestJS.
This module is available in npm registry.
The first step to use this module is create a simple application based on NestJS.
Next step: install @nestjs/swagger in your application.
Now just install the module using npm command
$ npm install nest-view
- Create views to manipulate data
- Use view to validate data
- Use views to make schemas to use in nestJS swagger documentation
The first step to use this module is to create a view
import { PropView, View } from 'nest-view';
export class Example {
@PropView({ type: String })
name: string;
@PropView({ type: Number })
age: number;
Now you're able to use this view to manipulate data and use to document your request's in swagger.
import { Body, Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ApiBodyView } from 'nest-view';
import { Example } from './view';
export class AppController {
getHello(@Body() body: Example) {