TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

2.2.0 • Public • Published


license: LGPLv3 Build Status Coverage Status GitHub release npm

Node.js API wrapper for Netatmo API.

Key features

  • Authentication with all Netatmo provided methods:
    • Authorization code grant type
    • Client credentials grant type
    • Refresh token
  • Security API (get homes, get events)
  • Weather API (get public data, get stations data, get measure)


npm install netatmo-nodejs-api


You need to create an application

Basic example with Client Credentials grant type

This method has been deprecated, see Natatmo documentation

Basic example with Refresh Token grant type

You need to generate a token on Netatmo website:

  • choose scopes
  • click generate token button and accept the condition
  • copy both Access Token and Refresh Token and use it in the following code
const { NetatmoClient, SCOPE_BASIC_CAMERA } = require('netatmo-nodejs-api')

async function main () {
  // you need to set your own information
  const clientId = ''
  const clientSecret = ''
  let accessToken = ''
  let refreshToken = ''
  let expiresInTimestamp = 0

  try {
    // create client
    const client = new NetatmoClient(clientId, clientSecret, SCOPE_BASIC_CAMERA, { timeout: 1000 })

    // authenticate
    if (!client.checkAndSetAccesToken(accessToken, expiresInTimestamp)) {
      if (refreshToken) {
        // use previous refresh token
        ({ accessToken, refreshToken, expiresInTimestamp } = await client.authenticateByRefreshToken(refreshToken))
        // you should store accessToken, refreshToken, expiresInTimestamp for further request
        console.log('update the code with following 3 lines:')
        console.log(`  let accessToken = '${accessToken}'`)
        console.log(`  let refreshToken = '${refreshToken}'`)
        console.log(`  let expiresInTimestamp = ${expiresInTimestamp}`)
      } else {
        throw new Error('Refresh token is missing')

    // get data
    const homes = await client.getHomes()
  } catch (error) {


Authenticate wrapper (try access token or refresh token)

You can use the authenticate method which wrap 2 authentication methods.

const { NetatmoClient, SCOPE_BASIC_CAMERA } = require('netatmo-nodejs-api')

async function main () {
  // you need to set your own information
  const clientId = ''
  const clientSecret = ''
  let refreshToken = ''
  let accessToken = ''
  let expiresInTimestamp = 0

  try {
    // create client
    const client = new NetatmoClient(clientId, clientSecret, SCOPE_BASIC_CAMERA, { timeout: 1000 });

    // authenticate
    ({ accessToken, refreshToken, expiresInTimestamp } = await client.authenticate(accessToken, refreshToken, expiresInTimestamp))
    // you should store accessToken, refreshToken, expiresInTimestamp for further request
    console.log('update the code with following:', refreshToken)
    console.log(`  let accessToken = '${accessToken}'`)
    console.log(`  let refreshToken = '${refreshToken}'`)
    console.log(`  let expiresInTimestamp = ${expiresInTimestamp}`)

    // get data
    const homes = await client.getHomes()
  } catch (error) {


About types

From version 2.0, this library is written in TypeScript. Response typing comes from the Netatmo Swagger, transformed into a TS interface by SwaggerEditor. Errors may be present, so don't hesitate to create an issue for fix.


netatmo-nodejs-api is maintained under the semantic versioning guidelines.

See the releases on this repository for changelog.


This project is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 - see the LICENSE file for details

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