Netlify Subdomain Manager
This CLI tool can be used to manage your subdomain aliases on Netlify using a JSON file as a source of truth.
You can the node script like so.
npm install netlify-subdomain-manager
netlify_subdomain_manager --help
Example JSON file
Where the JSON file is just a list of subdomain aliases you want. These will be prepended by the mainDomain. For example if the json file was like this:
and the main domain was
then we would create the following aliases
. It will also create the domain aliases
that begin with www so the 4 domain aliases created will be
netlify_subdomain_manager --helpUsage: src [options] Options: --version Show version number [boolean] -a, --accessToken The Netlify access token to use the Netlify API. [required] -f, --subdomainFile Path to JSON file, which contains the subdomain the netlify site should have. [default: "./subdomains.json"] -m, --mainDomain The main domain you want to create subdomain within. [required] -s, --siteId The site Id to add the subdomain to on Netlify. [required] -h, --help Show help [boolean]
You can run the Docker container locally like so.
touch .envdocker run -rm -v ${PWD}/subdomains.json:/app/subdomains.json --env-file .env hmajid2301/netlify-subdomain-manager
or you can build it locally
npm run build
docker build -t netlify-subdomain-manager .
docker run -v ${PWD}/subdomains.json:/app/subdomain.json --env-file .env netlify-subdomain-manager
Where .env
is like:
Site ID
You can find the site id in the "Site Information".
- Go to Netlify
- Click on your website
- Click on "Settings"
- Copy "API ID" from within the "Site Information" panel
Access Token
You can create an access token like so:
- Go to Netlify
- Click on your avatar
- Click on "User Settings"
- Click on "Applications" (left panel)
- Click on "New access token" in "Personal access tokens"
Give the access token an appropriate name and copy it somewhere safe.
You can also use it during CI/CD.
edit-domains:netlify: stage: post-publish image: name: hmajid2301/netlify-subdomain-manager entrypoint: [""] variables: NETLIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN: ${ACCESS_TOKEN} NETLIFY_SUBDOMAIN_FILE: subdomain.json NETLIFY_MAIN_DOMAIN: NETLIFY_SITE_ID: ${SITE_ID} script: - node /app/index.js
Build Locally
You can run the script locally like so.
npm installtouch .envsource .envnpm run start