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Mozilla Frontend Infra Neutrino Preset

neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra is a Neutrino preset that supports building React web applications, React components, or Node.js applications and linting them with Airbnb's ESLint config, following the Airbnb styleguide with Mozilla additions. This preset is used for supporting Mozilla's Frontend Infra team.

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This preset exposes a few base presets for working with projects:

  • neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/react:
    • Extends from @neutrinojs/react
    • Ability to automatically change asset versions using an optional ID.
    • Supports React Hot Loader v4
    • Skips source-maps when building PRs in CI
    • Can lint staged files using git hooks defined in package.json
  • neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/node:
    • Extends from @neutrinojs/node
    • Skips source-maps when building PRs in CI
    • Can lint staged files using git hooks defined in package.json
  • neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/react-components:
    • Extends from @neutrinojs/react-components
    • Generates two builds: one for our browser-support matrix to use within our own web apps; one for use in ES5 builds, such as community project based on Create React App.
    • Skips source-maps when building PRs in CI
    • Can lint staged files using git hooks defined in package.json

Each of these base presets also come with one of the following variants our own linting customizations. They also bake in Prettier for unifying code style.

  • neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/react-lint:
    • Extends from @neutrinojs/airbnb
    • For linting React and React Component-based projects
    • Highly visible during development, fails compilation when building for production
  • neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/node-lint:
    • Extends from @neutrinojs/airbnb-base
    • For linting Node.js-based projects
    • Highly visible during development, fails compilation when building for production

You do not need to add this linting preset separately unless you are not using one of the above configurations.

If you wish to add React Styleguidist for previewing components in isolation from an application, there is additional middleware for that, to be used with the react and react-components presets:

  • neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/styleguide:
    • Extends from neutrino-middleware-styleguidist
    • Automatically generated from any components in src/components/**/*.jsx
    • Must be placed in .neutrinorc.js before the react or react-components presets.
    • Exposes access to neutrino styleguide:start and neutrino styleguide:build commands


  • Node.js v6.10+
  • Yarn or npm client
  • Neutrino v8


neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra can be installed via the Yarn or npm clients. Inside your project, make sure neutrino and neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra are development dependencies. Yarn is highly preferred for Mozilla Frontend Infra projects.


❯ yarn add --dev neutrino neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra


❯ npm install --save-dev neutrino neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra

Project Layout

neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra follows the standard project layout specified by Neutrino. This means that by default all project source code should live in a directory named src in the root of the project. This includes JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets, images, and any other assets that would be available to import your compiled project.

Project Docs

Precommit staging command

Using the react, react-components, or node presets expose access to the neutrino stage command. By default this command will run neutrino lint against git staged files for commit, matching any .js and .jsx files. Installing neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra installs git hooks enabling you to set this up to run automatically if you define a hook in your package.json scripts:

  "scripts": {
    "precommit": "neutrino stage"

Now running git commit will run neutrino lint against these staged files, and prevent the commit if lint fails.

Example: running git commit with files staged with linting errors:

❯ git commit -m "Commiting linting errors"

husky > npm run -s precommit (node v9.9.0)

 ❯ Running tasks for *.{js,jsx}
   ✖ neutrino lint
     → 1 error potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.
✖ neutrino lint found some errors. Please fix them and try committing again.

            error: Insert `;` (prettier/prettier) at src/components/Authorize/index.jsx:163:32:
  161 |             reject(new Error('No authorization result'));
  162 |           } else {
> 163 |             resolve(authResult)
      |                                ^
  164 |           }
  165 |         }
  166 |       );

1 error found.
1 error potentially fixable with the `--fix` option.

husky > pre-commit hook failed (add --no-verify to bypass)

If you wish to override the options for staging, pass an options object to the staging property of your middleware. You must use the advanced config format specified by lint-staged. If no options are passed for staging.linters, the default linter of '*.{js,jsx}': ['neutrino lint'] will be used.

Example: only run linting against JS files:

module.exports = {
  use: [
    ['neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra/react', {
      staging: {
        linters: {
          '*.js': ['neutrino lint'],




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npm i neutrino-preset-mozilla-frontend-infra

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  • eliperelman