TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.7 • Public • Published

I call it my billion-dollar mistake. It was the invention of the null reference in 1965.

— Tony Hoare, the null reference "inventor"


Option<T>, Some<T>, None types and runtime functions for handling nullable values in a functional style.

Inspired by Rust, neverthrow and oxide.ts.


  • Option<T> type for values that may or may not be present
  • Some<T> constructor and None constant for creating Option instances
  • Utility functions for working with nullable values
  • Type-safe methods for unwrapping and handling Option values
  • Support for handling asynchronous values using Promise<T>


$ npm install nevernullable



import { Option, Some, None } from 'nevernullable';


The Option type represents a value that can either be present (Some) or absent (None).

Creating Options

import { Option, Some, None } from 'nevernullable';

// Using Some and None directly
const someValue = Some(42);
const noneValue = None;

// Using Option constructor
const someValue = Option(42);
const noneValue = Option(null); // Equivalent to None

Unwrapping Values

Use the unwrap, unwrapOr, and unwrapOrElse methods to extract the contained value.

const value = someValue.unwrap(); // 42
const defaultValue = noneValue.unwrapOr(100); // 100
const computedValue = noneValue.unwrapOrElse(() => computeDefault()); // Result of computeDefault()

Pattern Matching

Use the match method to handle Some and None cases explicitly.

const result = someValue.match({
  Some: (value) => `Value is ${value}`,
  None: () => 'No value'
// result: "Value is 42"

Utility Functions


Creates an Option from a nullable value.

const mayReturnNull = (isNull: boolean): null | string => {
  return isNull ? null : 'not _null'
const nullable = mayReturnNull(true) // null

const neverReturnNull = Option.fromNullable(mayReturnNull);
const neverNullable = neverReturnNull(true) // None

Handling Promises

Creating Options from Promises

The Option constructor and fromNullable function can handle promises. When given a promise, they return a promise that resolves to an Option.

Option with Promises

import { Option } from 'nevernullable';

const promise: Promise<string> = Promise.resolve('value');
const optionFromPromise = Option(promise); // Type: Promise<OptionObj<NonNullable<string>>>

optionFromPromise.then(option => {
    Some: (value) => console.log(`Resolved value: ${value}`),
    None: () => console.log('No value')

fromNullable with Promises

fromNullable can also handle functions that return promises. It returns a function that returns a promise which resolves to an Option.

import { fromNullable } from 'nevernullable';

const asyncFunction = async (): Promise<string | null> => 'value';
const syncFunction = (): string | null => 'value';

const optionFromAsync = fromNullable(asyncFunction);
const optionFromSync = fromNullable(syncFunction);

optionFromAsync().then(result => {
    Some: (value) => console.log(`Async resolved value: ${value}`),
    None: () => console.log('Async no value')

const result2 = optionFromSync();
  Some: (value) => console.log(`Sync resolved value: ${value}`),
  None: () => console.log('Sync no value')

Why Option<Promise> Doesn't Make Sense

Using Option<Promise<T>> is generally discouraged because it combines two layers of uncertainty, making it harder to work with. Instead, handling the promise and the optionality separately provides a cleaner and more predictable API. When dealing with async values, returning Promise<Option<T>> makes it clear that the result will be an Option once the promise resolves.

API Documentation


Represents an optional value.

  • unwrap(this: Option<T>): T

    Unwraps the contained value, throwing an error if the value is None.

  • unwrapOr(this: Option<T>, value: T): T

    Returns the contained value or the provided default value if None.

  • unwrapOrElse(this: Option<T>, cb: () => T): T

    Returns the contained value or computes a default using the provided function if None.

  • match<K, P>(this: Option<T>, pattern: { Some: (value: T) => K, None: () => P }): K | P

    Matches the contained value against the provided Some and None handlers.

  • Some<T>(value: T): Option<T>

    Creates a Some variant of Option.

  • None: Option<never>

    Represents an absent value.

  • Option.fromNullable(cb: (...args: any[]) => any): (...args: any[]) => Option<any>

    Creates a function that returns Option from a function that may return nullable values. If the function returns a promise, it returns a function that returns a Promise<Option>.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.


This library is licensed under the MIT License.

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