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1.2.0 • Public • Published

Next Actuator

Version Status Semantic Release: conventional Next.js Version

Next actuator provides a suite of production-ready observability endpoints to monitor and audit the health, metrics, and general status of your application. The library is loosely inspired by Spring Actuator.


npm install next-actuator
yarn add next-actuator
pnpm add next-actuator
bun add next-actuator


Route handler

Create a new route handler, nominally at /app/api/actuator/[...actuator]/route.ts, and re-export the GET function returned by createNextActuator().

import { createNextActuator } from 'next-actuator'

const { GET } = createNextActuator()

export { GET }

API Reference

Endpoint Configure Description
/health Displays application and component statuses
/info Displays build and metadata information
/metrics endpoint.metrics Displays a list of all available metrics
/metrics/<metric> Displays aggregate information about a metric
/metrics/<metric>?dimension=<name> Displays information about a dimension of a metric


Property Type Description Default
disabled boolean Whether to disable all endpoints, useful for disabling per-environment. false string | false Configure the health endpoint or disable it. '/health'
endpoints.metrics string | false Configure the metrics endpoint or disable it. '/metrics' string | false Configure the info endpoint or disable it. '/info'
components Record<string, Component> Register your application components.
metrics Record<string, Metric> Register your custom metrics. See included metrics
info () => Promise<Record<string, unknown>> Application details, nominally elements from package.json and git


Create a component

Components represent a segment of your apps general availability. If one of these components were to go down, then the functionality of your application would be greatly degraded. By default, an outage returns a 'DEGRADED' response.

There may be some instances in which you cannot recover from an external provider outage. Therefore, you can configure the aggregate status by providing strategy: 'DOWN' to ensure your app is marked as 'DOWN' during this period.

Property Type Description
status (req: NextRequest) => Promise<number | boolean> Return the status of a component, either as a boolean or HTTP status code.
strategy 'DEGRADED' | 'DOWN' Tells the actuator how it should handle aggregating outage statuses
details Record<string, unknown> Any extra metadata you wish to include alongside the component status.


import { createNextActuator, type Component } from 'next-actuator'

const api: Component = {
  status: async () => fetch('').then(res => res.status),
  details: {
    description: 'Our application\'s external API',
    endpoint: ''

const { GET } = createNextActuator({
  components: {

export { GET }

Sample response

  "status": "UP",
  "components": {
    "api": {
      "status": "UP",
      "details": {
        "description": "Our application's external API",
        "endpoint": ""


Included metrics

By default, we collect some metrics that may be useful for auditing your app, namely: memory.used, cpu.used and uptime.

Create a Metric

Metrics come in two different shapes. You can either supply a straightforward singular metric, or a dimensional metric.

Dimensional metrics are aggregated, but an optional search parameter can be supplied to the metrics endpoint in order to filter.

Property Type Description
description string A description of the metric.
baseUnit string The unit that the metric is represented in.
value () => Promise<number> The value of a metric.
dimensions Record<string, { value: () => Promise<number>, description: string }> A collection of dimensions representing the aggregated metric value.


import { createNextActuator, type Metric } from 'next-actuator'

const complexSeconds: Metric = {
  description: 'Total time in seconds',
  baseUnit: 'seconds',
  dimensions: {
    first: {
      value: async () => 10,
      description: 'Some seconds'
    second: {
      value: async () => 11,
      description: 'Some more seconds'

const simpleSeconds: Metric = {
  description: 'My super simple seconds metric',
  baseUnit: 'seconds',
  value: async () => 1

const { GET } = createNextActuator({
  metrics: {
    'complex.seconds': complexSeconds,
    'simple.seconds': simpleSeconds

export { GET }

Sample responses


  "names": [


This request displays an aggregate view of all given dimensions (If present), or the returned value of the simple metric.

  "name": "complex.seconds",
  "description": "Total time in seconds",
  "baseUnit": "seconds",
  "measurements": [
      "statistic": "VALUE",
      "value": 21
  "availableDimensions": [


This request only displays information related to the filtered dimension

  "name": "complex.seconds",
  "description": "Some seconds",
  "baseUnit": "seconds",
  "measurements": [
      "statistic": "VALUE",
      "value": 10
  "availableDimensions": [


The info endpoint by default returns the BUILD_ID generated by Next.js out of the box. Read these docs to learn how to customise your BUILD_ID.

Besides BUILD_ID, Next.js automatically strips a lot of the other files we could use to enrich the /info endpoint (i.e.: package.json and .git/).

Therefore, if you want to include any of those extra details, you'll need to manually include them in the /info response. The usage below outlines an example of how to do this with a combination of properties-reader and node-git-info.


import { createNextActuator } from 'next-actuator'
import { name, version, description, author } from '@/package.json'
import { join } from 'node:path'
import propertiesReader from 'properties-reader'

const { GET } = createNextActuator({
  components: {
  info: async () => {
    const gitInfo = propertiesReader(join(process.cwd(), ''))
    return {
      application: {
      git: {
        time: gitInfo.get('git.commit.time'),
        branch: gitInfo.get('git.branch'),
        id: {
          full: gitInfo.getRaw(''),
          short: gitInfo.getRaw('')
        message: {
          full: gitInfo.get('git.commit.message.full'),
          short: gitInfo.get('git.commit.message.short')
        author: {
          email: gitInfo.get(''),
          name: gitInfo.get('')

export { GET }

Sample response

  "build": "cc31f8f",
  "application": {
    "name": "next-actuator-app",
    "version": "0.0.0",
    "description": "A fully composable actuator implementation for Next.js projects",
    "author": "Ross MacPhee ("
  "git": {
    "time": "2024-11-26T12:00:00.000Z",
    "branch": "main",
    "id": {
      "full": "cc31f8f8838f24b9490660fa4f89470c9850be36",
      "short": "cc31f8f"
    "message": {
      "full": "Initial commit",
      "short": "Initial commit"
    "author": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "Ross MacPhee"

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  • rossmacphee