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A NextJs middleware for fast image processing in memory.

NextJs middleware plugin for next-middle-api as a middleware. It combines busboy and sharp to handle image uploads.

Main features

  • It uses streams and buffers in memory to makes it fast
  • Define transforms using sharp per mime type
  • Apply validation to restrict sizes
  • Get images as buffers in the handler


Ensure that you configure the route to not parse the body

// project-root/pages/api/uploads/avatars.ts
export const config = {
  api: {
    bodyParser: false


The code below is an example of how to process a multipart file upload.

import { createHandlers } from 'next-middle-api';
import fs from 'fs/promises';
import { createMultiPartMiddleWare, MultiPartParserResults, UPLOADED_FILES_RESULT_KEY, UploadedFile } from 'next-api-image-middleware';
import sharp from 'sharp';

// required by next js to not parse files before the middleware reads it
export const config = {
  api: {
    bodyParser: false

// define your custom image middleware
const customKey = 'MY_CUSTOM_KEY';
const imageMiddleWare = createMultiPartMiddleWare({
  // define busy boy specific limits
  limits: {
    fileSize: 1024 * 1024 * 5,
    files: 1
  mimeTypes: {
    // define allowed mimetypes and their sharp specific manipulations
    'image/jpeg': {sharp: () => sharp().jpeg({quality: 80})},
    'image/png': {sharp: () => sharp().png({quality: 80})},
    'image/gif': {sharp: () => sharp().gif()},
    'image/webp': {sharp: () => sharp().webp({quality: 80})}
  contextKey: customKey // default is the `UPLOADED_FILES_RESULT_KEY` constant

export default createHandlers({
  post: {
    handler: async (req, res, context) => {
      const results = context.getItem(customKey) as MultiPartParserResults;

      //check if there were any validation errors
      //if this error is present you should ignore files as busboy does not process any further in this case
      if (results.validationError != null) return res.status(400).json({message: results.validationError});

      // check if specific files had issues as some might be errored and some might be fine
      const erroredFiles = results.files.filter(x => x.status != 'Success');
      const errors = => x.status).join(',');
      if (erroredFiles.length !== 0) return res.status(400).json({message: `Some files have these issues: ${errors}`});

      // get the file content as a buffer
      const files = results.files as UploadedFile[];
      await fs.writeFile(new URL('file:///C:/test.jpeg'), files[0].fileContent);
      return res.status(200).json({message: 'ok'});
    preHooks: [imageMiddleWare]

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  • mohnish.chowdhury