i have markdown. i want to generate relations between them.
is a light set of utilities for generation relational data between markdown files. it is built to work with next-mdx-remote
, which it uses as a peer dependency. next-mdx-relations
abstracts away much of the boilerplate you would write to spin up an md/x powered next.js site, while providing control over how your md/x is processed.
getting started
- Add package and peer dependencies
yarn add fast-glob gray-matter next-mdx-remote next-mdx-relations
- Create a
in your project (preferably the root, but it can be anywhere)
import { createUtils } from 'next-mdx-relations';
export const {
} = createUtils({
content: '/content' // path to content
- Use any of the exported functions in
I'm building a blog with a collection of posts written in markdown:
// next-mdx-relations.config.js
export const {
} = createUtils({
content: '/content' // path to content
// /pages/blog/index.js
import React from 'react';
import Link from 'next/link';
import { getPages } from '../../next-mdx-relations.config.js';
// render a list of blog posts
export default function BlogIndex({ posts }) {
return (
frontmatter: { title, excerpt, id },
params: { slug }
}) => (
<div key={id}>
<Link href={slug} passHref>
export async function getStaticProps() {
const posts = await getPages(); // gets an array of all pages in the /content directory
return {
props: {
// /pages/blog/[...slug].js
import React from 'react';
import { MDXRemote } from 'next-mdx-remote';
import { getPages } from '../../next-mdx-relations.config.js';
export default function Slug({ mdx, ...pageNode }) {
const { frontmatter: { title, excerpt } } = pageNode;
return (
<MDXRemote {...mdx} />
export async function getStaticProps({ params: { slug } }) {
const props = await getPageProps(slug); // returns pageProps and serialized mdx based on provided slug
return {
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const paths = await getPaths(); // returns array of paths for generating pages
return {
fallback: false
takes a config object and returns utilities for generating static content and relationships between them. Most of the api for actually generating the pages is what you would write yourself if you were spinning up a blog or statically generated next.js site. What next-mdx-relations
provides is a suite of utilities that process your data, overrides to filesystem-based routing, and allows you to intervene at critical points in the content generation process.
Behind the scenes, we do the following:
- get all of the files from your content folder
- for each file, we generate metadata based on config provided functions, and return everything you'd want to know about that file (frontmatter, filepath, params/slug, etc)
- because we have access to all the files and metadata, we then allow for inserting custom relations between content. we can track when one file mentions another from the file being mentioned, for example
- we sort the files based on provided sort criteria
At the end of this process, you have all your files sorted, and you can filter down to what you need based on the metadata and relations that have been generated.
The config object can take the following parameters:
content: string (required)
This is the path to your content. It should be the root of your content folder -- you can handle different routes or processing different kinds of data differently by using metaGenerators
and relationGenerators
The utilities createUtils
returns will treat the content folder as a root for file system routing. The common use case would be collecting writing in a /blog
folder and having the utilities return slugs for /blog/post-title
slugRewrites: object?
is an object with key values pairs that correspond to a file's path (i.e. content/blog
) and the rewritten slug path (/garden
). This is one way to make routing among different collections of files uniform.
sort: object?
sort: {
by: '', // string path to value
order: 'desc' // asc | desc
takes an object with two keys. by
is a stringified path to a particular item associated with the pages (i.e. date or type). order
takes a string of either 'asc' or 'desc' and corresponds to the sort order.
metaGenerators: object?
is an object consisting of key value pairs that correspond to a metadata attribute and a function used to generate that attribute. An example of this would be taking an isoDate and converting it to a string.
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { createUtils } from 'next-mdx-relations';
export const {
} = createUtils({
content: '/content',
metaGenerators: {
date: node => {
const { frontmatter: { date } } = node;
if (date) {
const isoDate = DateTime.fromISO(date);
return isoDate.toLocaleString(DateTime.DATE_FULL);
return null;
have access to the node
or file
. Anything in the content or frontmatter of the file is available to add additional meta. Note that these parameters are not combined with the frontmatter in the file but placed in their own meta
object so as not to override anything static in the file itself.
relationGenerators: object?
is an object consisting of key value pairs that correspond to a relational attribute and the function used to generate that attribute. These functions have access to all nodes
after they've been read and metaGenerators
have been run.
import { DateTime } from 'luxon';
import { createUtils } from 'next-mdx-relations';
export const {
} = createUtils({
content: '/content',
relationGenerators: {
directionalLinks: nodes => {
const sortedNodes = nodes
// we have not sorted all our files yet, so to create
// directional links, we'd have to do it here
.sort((a, b) => a?.meta?.date - b?.meta?.date)
.map((node, index, array) => {
const prev = index > 0 ? array[index - 1] : null;
const next = index < array.length -1 ? array[index + 1] : null;
return {
meta: {
return sortedNodes;
In its current form, you can mutate any part of a given node using relationGenerators
. In general, it's best to add this relational data to the meta
attribute as to not mutate the frontmatter or other parts of the node.
mdxOptions: MDXOptions?
Because we're interfacing with next-mdx-remote
, this object allows us to pass in MDXOptions
. You can see their documentation for more details.
The createUtils
function generates the following functions based on the provided config object:
await getPaths
: string?
returns an array of paths for generating pages when used in a catchall [...slug].js
's getStaticPaths
. It takes an optional string parameter which overrides the content directory specified in the config object. For example, if you have nested folders and you want paths just for a subset of folders, you could pass that directory in here.
const paths = await getPaths(); // all paths from content folder
const subSetOfPaths = await getPaths('/content/blog'); // paths from /content/blog folder
await getPages
: { meta: object?, frontmatter:object? }: object?
returns an array of pages, including frontmatter, metadata, and relational data (everything but the serialized markdown content) based on the files in the content directory specified in the config object. It optionally takes an object that includes keys for meta
and frontmatter
, allowing you to filter for a specific subset of pages.
const drafts = await getPages({ frontmatter: { draft: true } }); // pages set to draft: true
const published = await getPages({ frontmatter: { draft: false } }); // pages set to draft: false
const gardenPosts = await getPages({ frontmatter: { type: 'garden' } }); // pages with type 'garden'
const postsTaggedReactorNextJS = await getPages({ frontmatter: { draft: false, tags: ['react', 'nextjs'] } }); // pages with draft false and tags that include 'react' and/or 'nextjs'
: string | string[]
returns a page, including frontmatter, metadata, relational data, and serialized markdown content based on a provided slug. It is used in conjunction with getPaths
in a catchall [...slug].js
file. See the [...slug].js
in the above example.
Below, you'll find the object getPageProps
returns. Note that the mdx
value should be passed into next-mdx-remote
's MDXRemote
remote component.
const {
params: {
slug: string[]
filePath: string,
content: string,
frontmatter: any,
meta: any,
mdx: MDXRemoteSerializedResult
} = await getPageProps();
: string
takes a key value in dot notation that corresponds to a page's frontmatter or a piece of meta- or relational data and returns an array of paths that correspond to that prop. You might use something like this if you wanted a list of tags and generate pages for those tags. Below is an example of the getStaticPaths
and getStaticProps
to generate tag pages.
// pages/tag/[tag].js
export async function getStaticProps({ params: { tag } }) {
const posts = await getPages({
frontmatter: { draft: null, tags: tag }
return {
props: {
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const paths = await getPathsByProp('frontmatter.tags');
const test = => ({ params: { tag: p } }));
return {
paths: test,
fallback: false
was written in and supports typescript. See the ts-example
repo for an overview. Types can be exported from next-mdx-relations
import { File, MetaGenerator, Page, MDXPage, Params, RelationalGenerator, RelationsConfig, Sort } from 'next-mdx-relations';
See types.ts
for an overview.
is in early days. Some things I'd like to do moving forward:
[ ]: more granular getPathsByProp
[ ]: handle slugs and dashed tags
[ ]: more granular getPages
api and control over filtering
[ ]: explicit frontmatter
and meta
[ ]: implement more guard rails for manipulating data (prevent overwriting frontmatter
or meta