Automatic update of title, description and link of meta tags through a router. The implementation takes place in the comopent's code, so the data can be asynchronous (Observable, Promise)
npm install --save ng-meta-helper
Import the NgMetaHelperModule to AppModule with RouterModule
import { NgMetaHelperModule } from "ng-meta-helper";
declarations: [AppComponent, StaticChild1Component],
imports: [BrowserModule, RoutingModule.forRoot({...}), NgMetaHelperModule.config()],
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
Use in component, linking to routing. Add the updateTags () method to the component and implements SeoHelper interface
export class ChildComponent implements SeoHelper {
updateTags() {
return this.http.get("api/user/info").pipe(
map((userInfo) => {
return {
title: `Hello! This is my site. ${}`,
meta: {
name: { description: "best site" },
property: { "og:title": "best site of the world" },
link: {
canonical: `${}`,
export type SeoTags = {
title?: string | null;
meta?: {
name?: Record<string, string | null>;
property?: Record<string, string | null>;
link?: {
canonical?: string | null;
prev?: string | null;
next?: string | null;
export interface SeoHelper {
updateTags(): SeoTags | Promise<SeoTags> | Observable<SeoTags>;