Welcome to ng-multithemes
ng-multithemes allow create an angular application with any themes, it's can be do with generator which in-built in package.
How to install
Use npm install ng-multithemes --save-dev
to install as dev dependies.
How to use
Create folder or file with name of your theme (example: /dark/colors.scss
or dark.scss
), and run generate command with any parent path: npx ng-multithemes generate theme --input=\"./src/app\" --output=\"src/themes/\" --theme="dark"
After generate all themes, you can add it's to your angular.json, or you can use npx ng-multithemes generate angularjson --input="src/themes"
, and your angular.json will transform to as it should be.
Commands (generate theme)
command | description |
input | parent path of input in your application (src/app is better) |
output | path (folder of file) to output themes (src/themes is better) |
theme | name of your theme (preffix for find folders or files and output file with this name |
Commands (generate angularjson)
command | description | default |
input | path to folders of you themes | - |
preffix | preffix to bundle name | assets/themes/ |
How to change theme in code
To change theme you can use package ng-multithemes-theme-manager