TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

0.0.2 • Public • Published

NghiaTA MFE BASE COMPONENTS - Software Development Kit

  • BrianToys is a collection of tools libraries, and components that simplifies the process of integrating specific functionalities or features into applications. BrianToys include reuseable react components, utilities, custom hooks, theme. etc.


1.Software installation
- Visual Studio Code (Recommend)
- [NodeJS] [v20.x and above]

2. Setting up development environment

* Dependencies:
- Install development dependencies: In terminal, cd to this folder and run: `npm install`
3. Run the project in development mode
  • Start dev mode (storybook).
npm run storybook
# or
yarn storybook
4. Build package in local.
  • Build package in local then install to another project locally.
# build bundle
npm run build

# After `npm pack` we will see file my-sdk-0.0.x.tgz in your project folder.
npm pack

cd ./<Project you want to install SDK>
npm install ./<your nghiata-mfe-base-components folder path>/nghiata-mfe-base-components-0.0.x.tgz
4. Build & publish SDK via npm.
  • After test & make sure the package work well. Then we publish it to npm to install online.
# make sure your code up to date
$ git pull

# Make sure your libs is installed
$ npm install

# Build your package
$ npm run build

# Update version
$ npm version patch

$ npm publish

# or

$ npm publish --tag beta
4. Testing
  • Test render by snapshot testing. Snapshot tests are a very useful tool whenever you want to make sure your UI does not change unexpectedly.
# Run test
$ npm run test

# If the UI component was updated, we should update the snapshot test
$ npm run test:update

Folder Structure

/                             : Git root
├── public                    : Files which are used to store assets
|   ├── locales               : Translation, i18n configuration.
├── storybook                 : Storybook configs.
├── types                     : Typescript exports, setup for build production mode.
├── src
    ├── assets                : Static file such as image, icon etc.
    ├── components            : Create components that you can reuse and export it.
    |   ├── Atom              : Smallest level React components.
    |   ├── Molecule          : Combinations of atoms.
    |   ├── Organism          : Combinations of atoms & Molecule.
    ├── hooks                 : Custom hooks, build your own hooks.
    ├── styles                : i18n configuration.
    |   ├── Fonts             : Custom font, Font import global.
    |   ├── Themes            : Theme, Dark & light theme.
    ├── utils                 : Common app codes (utils, shared modules...)


  • Component
    • Only include one React component per file. However, multiple Stateless or Pure Components are allowed per file.
    • Use PascalCase for filenames
    • Use PascalCase for React components and camelCase for their instances
    • Use the filename as the component name
    • Use I as a prefix for interface names.
    • Use PascalCase for enum values.
    • Use camelCase for function names.
    • Use camelCase for property names and local variables.
    • Keep components small and function-specific
    • Avoid too much nested component. Ex: CaseProcessing/index.js => PolicyInformation => AddressAndInvoicing => InvoiceAddress
  • Import sorting
    1. React, libraries
    2. Global files
    3. Internal files
  • Props
    • Use ReactJS defaultProps and typescript.
    • Use camelCase for prop names.
    • Avoid using an array index as key prop, prefer a stable ID
    • Filter out unnecessary props when possible.
  • CSS
    • Never use ID and tag name as root selectors!
    • Define variables to increase reuse and make styles more consistent.
    • Camel case instead of dash-case for class names




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