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3.0.14 • Public • Published

Welcome to ngx-array!

ngx-array npm version ngx-array

Array class is a global object that is used in the construction of arrays; which are high-level, list-like objects.

Features: Handled exceptions which generally occurs while developing a array based functionalities


Import the module on your app.module.ts file as follow.

import { NgxArrayModule} from "ngx-array";

Then import the module as follow on imports array



After importing this library with npm install ngx-array, go to the component which is declared under app.module.ts and integrate as below.


constructor(private _ngArray: NgxArrayService) { }

Use reference for NgxArrayService in constructor and import it respectively at any component


This are the methods available with ngx-array use it as per your requirement:

  • _min(arr: Array<any>); - Returns the minimum value in the array. arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _max(arr: Array<any>); - Returns the maximum value in the array arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _sortNumbers(arr: Array<any>, mode: number = 1);

  • Method sorts the elements of an numbers array in place and returns the sorted array. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    mode: 1 for ascending , -1 for descending - Default 1 - optional

  • _sort(arr: Array<any>) - Method sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the sorted array. arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _reverse(arr: Array<any>) - Returns the reverse ordered array. arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _join(arr: Array<any>, joinBy: string = "") - New string by concatenating all of the elements in an array. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    joinBy: Concatenate by the string example = (-).

  • _indexOfFrom(arr: Array<any>, item: any, start: number) - Returns the index of item from given array from starting at particular index. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    item: Searchable item in array of any type start: Starting index

  • _indexOf(arr: Array<any>, item: any) - Returns the index of item from given array. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    item: Searchable item in array of any type

  • _hasAt(arr: Array<any>, item: any, positionIndex: number) - Checks whether the array contains the item at particular given index. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    item: Searchable item in array of any type positionIndex: Starting index

  • _has(arr: Array<any>, item: any) - Checks whether the array contains the item. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    item: Searchable item in array of any type

  • _filterNumbersArray(arr: Array<number>, condition, expected: number) - Filters integer array for an given condition. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    condition: Possible conditions ('>' , '<' , '>=', '<=' , '!==') expected: Resulted value should be in

  • _fill( arr: Array<any>, value: any, from: number, to: number ) - method shallow copies part of an array to another location in the same array and returns it. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    value: value to be filled in array from: Start from this position to: End at this position

  • _copyWithin(arr: Array<any>, from: number, to: number) - Method shallow copies part of an array to another location in the same array and returns it. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    from: Start from this position to: End at this position

  • _concat(...args: Array<any>) - Method is used to merge two or more arrays. args: Multiple Array of values at any length

  • _length(arr: Array<any>) - Returns the length of the given array args: Multiple Array of values at any length

  • _copy(arr: Array<any>) - Duplicates an array arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _slice( arr: Array<any>, start: number, end: number = arr.length - 1 ) - returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array into a new array object selected from start to end. arr: Array of values of any type[].
    start: Start from this position end: End at this position

  • _splice( arr: Array<any>, start: number, end: number = arr.length - 1 ) - Cut of / Splice of an items at particular valid index arr: Array of values of any type[].
    start: Start from this position end: End at this position

  • _shift(arr: Array<any>) - Method remove first element at the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array. arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _unshift(arr: Array<any>) - Method adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array and returns the new length of the array. arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _pop(arr: Array<any>) - It will remove the array item at end & return item arr: Array of values of any type[].

  • _push(arr: Array<any>, item: any) - It will add / push new item to the array at end & return new array arr: Array of values of any type[]. item: item to be pushed of any type

Code integration

To use this package as a service npm i ngx-array install this on the root angular project .

Note: Don't forget to run this commend npm i ngx-array on root folder or else it will throw error.

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