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1.0.3 • Public • Published


Input validator Angular reactive forms inputs.



$ npm install ngx-input-validator


import { Validator } from 'ngx-input-validator';


formGroup: FormGroup;
this.formGroup ={
    emailInput: new FormControl('', [
if(form.hasError('invalidEmailAddress')) {
    alert("Invalid Email");


<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
  <input type="email" maxlength="50" FormControlName="emailInput" />
<div *ngIf="formGroup['controls']['emailInput'].hasError('invalidEmailAddress') && formGroup['controls']['emailInput'].touched" class="error">Invalid email.</div>


Here are some useful input validators provided in this package:

  • amountValidator

Works on AbstractControl, for validating amount as string, use validatePrice.

let amountInput: FormControl = new FormControl(0, [

Returns { 'invalidAmount': true } if control value is invalid, otherwise in case of no error returns null.

  • trimSpaces

To remove spaces from start and end of a string.

let value: string = Validator.trimSpaces("   String to be trim   ");

Returns trimmed value as String.

  • validatePrice

For validating amount in dollars in form of string.

let priceInput: FormControl = new FormControl(0, [

Returns true for valid amount and false for invalid amount value.

  • validateJSON

Validates JSON string.

let jsonInput: FormControl = new FormControl('', [

Returns true in case of valid stringified JSON, otherwise false.

  • creditCardValidator

Works on AbstractControl, to validate Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, JCB etc.. card number.

let creditCardInput: FormControl = new FormControl('', [

Returns { 'invalidCreditCard': true } as error in case of invalid card number, otherwise null.

  • emailValidator

For AbstractControl, enhanced form of basic email validator.

let emailInput: FormControl = new FormControl('', [

Returns { 'invalidEmailAddress': true } as error in case of invalid email address, otherwise null.

  • phoneValidator

For AbstractControl, validates 10 digit phone number which may includes hypens (-).

let phoneInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidPhoneNumber': true } as error in case of invalid phone number, otherwise null.

  • mobileValidator

For AbstractControl, validates 8-15 digit phone number which includes 1-3 digit prefix number spearted by a hypen (-).

let phoneInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidPhoneNumber': true } as error in case of invalid phone number, otherwise null.

  • imeiValidator

For AbstractControl, validates IMEI number.

let imeiInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidIMEINumber': true } as error in case of invalid IMEI number, otherwise null.

  • vinValidator

For AbstractControl, validates vehicle VIN number.

let vinInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidVinNumber': true } as error in case of invalid VIN number, otherwise null.

  • url

For AbstractControl, validates http/https URL.

let urlInput: FormControl = new FormControl('', [

Returns { 'invalidurl': true } as error in case of invalid http/https URL, otherwise null.

  • passwordValidator

For AbstractControl, validates minimum 8 characters password which may include any character.

let passwordInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidPassword': true } as error in case of invalid password, otherwise null.

  • ValidateFile

For AbstractControl, validates jpg, jpeg and png extension file.

let fileInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidImage': true } as error in case of invalid image, otherwise null.

  • ValidatePngFile

For AbstractControl, validates png extension file.

let fileInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { 'invalidImage': true } as error in case of invalid image, otherwise null.

  • ageValidator

For AbstractControl, validates age between 0 to 119.

let ageInput: FormControl = new FormControl(0, [

Returns { 'invalidAge': true } as error in case of invalid age year number, otherwise null.

  • required

For AbstractControl, validates age between 0 to 119.

let requiredInput: FormControl = new FormControl(null, [

Returns { required: true } as error in case of blank input, otherwise null.

  • timeFormat

For AbstractControl, validates time in format of '{H}H:{M}M', where digits in {} are optional.

let timeInput: FormControl = new FormControl('', [

Returns { 'invalidTimeFormat': true } as error in case valid time format, otherwise null.

  • matchingPasswords

Matches two password inputs.

new FormBuilder().group({
      Password: new FormControl('', [
      ConfirmPassword: new FormControl('', [
        validator: matchingComparePasswords('Password', 'ConfirmPassword')

Returns { Equivalent: true } if password inputs match otherwise returns { notEquivalent: true }


If you find a bug, please file an issue on our issue tracker on GitHub.


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