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3.0.1 • Public • Published


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Ngx-Interpolation is an Angular lightweight library to interprate string interpolation expressions.

Ngx-Interpolation uses Angular string interpolation parser to parse your expressions.

Table of content

⚠️ Make sure you are using the right ngx-interpolation version depending on Angular version.

ngx-interpolation Angular version
v1.0.4 v15.x
v2.0.5 v16.x
v2.0.7 v17.x
v2.0.9 v18.x
v3.0.1 v19.x
Expression name Expression syntax
Literal Primitive string, number or boolean values
Literal Array [1, 'Hello', ['bye'], true]
Literal Map ({key: 'value'})
Binary 1 + 1 \* 2
Conditional (expression) ? true : false
Prefix Not The exclamation logic mark: !
Property Read prop
Keyed Read obj['key']
Call (Method or Function) callFunction()
Safe Property Read obj?.prop
Safe Keyed Read obj?.['prop']
Safe Call callFunction?.()
Typeof typeof foo

Install Ngx-Interpolation library from the npm command :

npm install ngx-interpolation
import { NgxInterpolation } from "ngx-interpolation";

Literal Primitive expressions are the string, number and boolean values.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();

interpolation.interpolate("{{'Hello world !'}}"); // => Hello world !
interpolation.interpolate("{{100}}"); // => 100
interpolation.interpolate("{{true}}"); // => true

Literal Array expression is simply an array.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();

interpolation.interpolate("{{[1, 2.6, 3]}}"); // => 1,2.6,3
interpolation.interpolate("{{[true, 12, 'Alohaaa !', ['Morocco', 1.5]]}}"); // => true,12,Alohaaa !,Morocco,1.5

Literal Map expression is the object defined in the string interpolation expression.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();

interpolation.interpolate("{{({key: 100})}}"); // => [object Object]
interpolation.interpolate("{{({key: 100}).key}}"); // => 100

Binary expression is the Javascript arithmetic operators addition(+), subtraction(-), multiplication(*), and division(/).

Except the expressions that promote side effects, including:

  • Assignments (=, +=, -=, ...)
  • Operators such as new, typeof, instanceof, etc.
  • Chaining expressions with ; or ,
  • The increment and decrement operators ++ and --
  • Some of the ES2015+ operators

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();

interpolation.interpolate("{{1 + 2 * 3}}"); // => 7
interpolation.interpolate("{{(1 + 2) * 3}}"); // => 9
interpolation.interpolate("{{3 + 4 + '5'}}"); // => 75

Conditional expression is the ternary condition syntax.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Debik",

interpolation.interpolate("{{(firstName === 'John') ? true : false}}", context); // => true
interpolation.interpolate("{{(lastName === 'Doe') ? true : false}}", context); // => false

The exclamation logic mark.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();

interpolation.interpolate("{{!true}}", context); // => false
interpolation.interpolate("{{!!true}}", context); // => true

Property Read expression is the property defined in a context given at the second parameter of the interpolate() method.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  wife: {
    fullName: "Maria Doe",

interpolation.interpolate("Husband: {{firstName}} {{lastName}}", context); // => Husband: John Doe
interpolation.interpolate("Husband: {{firstName + lastName}}", context); // => Husband: JohnDoe
interpolation.interpolate("{{firstName}} is the husband of {{wife.fullName}}", context); // => John is the husband of Maria Doe

Keyed Read expression is when you read a property from an object via the square brackets.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  wife: {
    fullName: "Maria Doe",

interpolation.interpolate("{{firstName}} is the husband of {{wife['fullName']}}", context); // => John is the husband of Maria Doe

the non-null assertion operator (!) is used to indicate that a variable is guaranteed to be non-null or not undefined.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  firstName: "John",

interpolation.interpolate("{{firstName!}}", context); // => John

Function Call expression

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
  getFullName: function () {
    return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
  country: (country) => {
    return country;

interpolation.interpolate("Hello! my name is {{getFullName()}}, I'm from {{country('Morocco')}}", context); // => Hello! my name is John Doe, I'm from Morocco
let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  methodCall01: () => {
    return () => {
      return 10;
  methodCall02: () => {
    return () => {
      return (number) => {
        return number;

interpolation.interpolate("{{methodCall01()()}}", context); // => 10
interpolation.interpolate("{{methodCall01()() + methodCall02()()(20)}}", context); // => 30

Safe Property Read expression

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  prop1: {
    prop2: {
      prop3: {
        prop4: "Alohaaa !",
  prop5: {
    prop6: {
      prop08: "Alohaaa !",

interpolation.interpolate("{{prop1?.prop2?.prop3?.prop4}}", context); // => Alohaaa !
interpolation.interpolate("{{prop5?.prop6?.prop7.prop8}}", context); // => <RETURNS AN EMPTY STRING>

Safe Keyed Read expression

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  prop1: {
    prop2: {
      prop3: "Salamo Alikoum!",
  prop5: {
    prop6: {
      prop00008: "Alohaaa !",

interpolation.interpolate("{{prop1?.prop2?.['prop3']}}", context); // => Salamo Alikoum!
interpolation.interpolate("{{prop5?.prop6?.['prop7'].prop8}}", context); // => <RETURNS AN EMPTY STRING>

Safe Method Call expression

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  prop1: {
    method: function (param) {
      return param;
  prop2: null,

interpolation.interpolate("{{prop1?.method('John Doe')}}", context); // => John Doe
interpolation.interpolate("{{prop2?.method('John Doe')}}", context); // => <RETURNS AN EMPTY STRING>

The typeof operator expression.

Examples :

const interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();

interpolation.interpolate("{{typeof 'John Doe'}}"); // => string

There is an optional parametter in the interpolate() method to set your prefered encapsulation delimiters.

Examples :

let interpolation: NgxInterpolation = new NgxInterpolation();
let context: any = {
  firstName: "John",
  lastName: "Doe",
let interpolationConfig = {
  start: "%",
  end: "%",

interpolation.interpolate("%firstName% %lastName%", context, interpolationConfig); // => John Doe


Licensed under the MIT License.

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  • yassine_klilich