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19.2.0 • Public • Published

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Introducing an Angular library designed to streamline the input and validation of international telephone numbers. Integrates a searchable material select component for convenient country code selection. Moreover, it automatically detects the user's country, dynamically presenting a relevant placeholder for enhanced user experience. With built-in formatting and validation functionalities, this library ensures accuracy and consistency in handling telephone numbers across diverse global contexts.

Check out the Demo



Validation with google-libphonenumber

ngx-material-intl-tel-input Angular
19.0.0 - 19.2.0 >= 19.0.0
18.0.0 - 18.2.1 >= 18.0.0
0.0.1 - 17.3.0 >= 17.2.0


$ npm install ngx-material-intl-tel-input --save

Ensure to include provideAnimations() and provideHttpClient() in the providers array of your main.ts file to initialize your application with animations and auto getting country code capabilities. Refer to the Angular Docs provideAnimations and provideHttpClient for detailed instructions.

Additionally, it's essential to incorporate an Angular Material theme by importing the necessary CSS for styling. Please consult the Angular Material Theming guide for instructions on how to set up the theme.



Include the NgxMaterialIntlTelInputComponent in the imports array of the standalone component where you intend to utilize it.

imports: [NgxMaterialIntlTelInputComponent];


<form [formGroup]="formGroup">
  <ngx-material-intl-tel-input [fieldControl]="control" [required]="true" [autoIpLookup]="false"> </ngx-material-intl-tel-input>


Options Type Default Description
fieldControl FormControl FormControl('') Form control required to retrieve the value.
fieldControlName string '' Form control name to assign the control from a FormGroup.
required boolean false Telephone field input required.
disabled boolean false Telephone field input disabled.
appearance 'fill' | 'outline' fill Material form field appearance.
autoIpLookup boolean true Sets initial country code based on user's ip.
autoSelectCountry boolean true Enables or disables auto selecting a country on initialization.
autoSelectedCountry CountryISO | string '' Sets the country to be auto selected.
numberValidation boolean true Enables or disables phone number validation.
enableSearch boolean true Enables or disables country search.
includeDialCode boolean false Includes the dial code in the phone number input.
emojiFlags boolean false Use standard emoji icons for the country flags.
hidePhoneIcon boolean false Hides phone icon.
preferredCountries (CountryISO | string)[] [] Shows the specified countries on top of the list.
visibleCountries (CountryISO | string)[] [] Shows only the specified countries.
excludedCountries (CountryISO | string)[] [] Exclude the specified countries from the list.
enablePlaceholder boolean true Input placeholder text for every country national number.
iconMakeCall boolean true Click on phone icon to trigger call action.
initialValue string '' Sets initial telephone number value
useMask boolean false Use mask for phone number input.
forceSelectedCountryCode boolean false If useMask is active it forces the selected country code to be displayed
showMaskPlaceholder boolean false If useMask is active it shows the placeholder for the mask
outputNumberFormat PhoneNumberFormat PhoneNumberFormat.INTERNATIONAL Sets the output number format to INTERNATIONAL, E164, or RFC3966 format
textLabels TextLabels {mainLabel: 'Phone number', codePlaceholder: 'Code', searchPlaceholderLabel: 'Search', noEntriesFoundLabel: 'No countries found', nationalNumberLabel: 'Number', hintLabel: 'Select country and type your phone number', invalidNumberError: 'Number is not valid', requiredError: 'This field is required'} Overrides all component text labels


Event Type Default Description
currentValue string '' Full phone number value emitted when the value of the input changes.
currentCountryCode string '' Country code value emitted when the value of the input changes.
currentCountryISO string '' Country ISO value emitted when the value of the input changes.

CSS Custom Properties Reference

🎨 Component Styling Variables

Container Styles

  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-outline-width: Outline width (default: 1px)
  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-outline-color: Border color (default: #d8d8d8)
  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-background: Background color (default: #fbfbfb)
  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-container-shape: Border radius (default: 8px)

Focus States

  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-focus-outline-color: Focus border color (default: rgb(32, 159, 252))
  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-focus-background: Focus background (default: #fff)

Hover States

  • --mdc-filled-tel-form-hover-background: Hover background (default: #f5f5f5)
  • --mdc-outline-tel-form-hover-background: Outline variant hover background (default: #f5f5f5)

📱 Input Field Customization


  • --mdc-outline-tel-form-background: Outline variant background (default: #fbfbfb)
  • --mdc-tel-form-placeholder-color: Input placeholder color (default: #ccc)
  • --mdc-tel-form-icon-color: Action icon color (default: #909090)

Shape Customization

  • --mdc-outlined-tel-form-container-shape: Outline field border radius (default: Material system variable)
  • --mdc-outlined-text-field-container-shape: Text field border radius (default: Material system variable)

🔍 Validation & Feedback

  • --mdc-tel-form-hint-color: Hint text color (default: #b2b2b2)
  • --mdc-tel-form-error-color: Error message color (default: Material system error)
  • --mat-sys-error: Material system error fallback (default: #f44336)

🖌️ Theme Integration

  • --mdc-theme-primary: Primary theme color (default: rgb(32, 159, 252))
  • --mdc-theme-error: Error state color (default: #f44336)
  • --mat-sys-corner-extra-small: Material system small corner radius

Example Configuration

:root {
  /* Container Customization */
  --mdc-filled-tel-form-background: #f8f9fa;
  --mdc-filled-tel-form-container-shape: 6px;

  /* Theme Colors */
  --mdc-theme-primary: #2a7de1;
  --mdc-tel-form-error-color: #dc3545;

  /* Input Styling */
  --mdc-tel-form-placeholder-color: #a0aec0;


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

Juanjo Torres

🎨 💻 📖 🤔 💬 🚇 💡 🚧 👀 ⚠️

Rafa Hernández

💻 🤔 💬 🚇 🚧 👀

Glen Hollingworth

💻 🤔 💬 💡 🚧 👀


💻 🤔 💬 💡 🚧 👀


💻 🤔 💬 💡 🚧 👀

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind are welcome!

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  • juanjotorres